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News & Events

Award season has arrived and we have over 120 scholarship opportunities for students! Applications are now OPEN and close on March 31, 2025. It only takes 10 minutes to complete! Apply at...
Apply to be part of S A L S U's team for next school year to grow as a leader and serve the La Sierra community! The open positions are President, EVP, Social VP, and Spiritual VP!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
No Classes in Session. Enjoy your Spring Break!
Award season has arrived and we have over 120 scholarship opportunities for students! Applications are now OPEN and close on March 31, 2025. It only takes 10 minutes to complete! Apply at...
Apply to be part of S A L S U's team for next school year to grow as a leader and serve the La Sierra community! The open positions are President, EVP, Social VP, and Spiritual VP!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
No Classes in Session. Enjoy your Spring Break!
Award season has arrived and we have over 120 scholarship opportunities for students! Applications are now OPEN and close on March 31, 2025. It only takes 10 minutes to complete! Apply at...
Apply to be part of S A L S U's team for next school year to grow as a leader and serve the La Sierra community! The open positions are President, EVP, Social VP, and Spiritual VP!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join us at La Sierra University Church's Liturgical Service!
Join us at La Sierra University Church's Contemporary Service!
Award season has arrived and we have over 120 scholarship opportunities for students! Applications are now OPEN and close on March 31, 2025. It only takes 10 minutes to complete! Apply at...
Apply to be part of S A L S U's team for next school year to grow as a leader and serve the La Sierra community! The open positions are President, EVP, Social VP, and Spiritual VP!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Award season has arrived and we have over 120 scholarship opportunities for students! Applications are now OPEN and close on March 31, 2025. It only takes 10 minutes to complete! Apply at...
Apply to be part of S A L S U's team for next school year to grow as a leader and serve the La Sierra community! The open positions are President, EVP, Social VP, and Spiritual VP!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join Pastor Jason for a daily morning prayer at 8:08am at Justice Rock or tune in on Instagram @pjlasierra. All are invited!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join Pastor Jason for a daily morning prayer at 8:08am at Justice Rock or tune in on Instagram @pjlasierra. All are invited!
The university community comes together on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. for Chapel. This is a corporate time of worship, learning, and fellowship!
Come and enjoy free food, games, a petting zoo, and prizes!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join Pastor Jason for a daily morning prayer at 8:08am at Justice Rock or tune in on Instagram @pjlasierra. All are invited!
Come support us on Wednesday, April 2nd from 5-9 pm at Chipotle! 25% if all sales will go to support the pre-med club. Show this flyer at the restaurant or use code RC9HVJN if you are ordering online...
Join S A L S U for worship every Wednesday night! And bring your friends! *Rendezvous counts as dorm worship.*
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join Pastor Jason for a daily morning prayer at 8:08am at Justice Rock or tune in on Instagram @pjlasierra. All are invited!
Come and cheer on our Golden Eagles!
Come and cheer on our Golden Eagles!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join Pastor Jason for a daily morning prayer at 8:08am at Justice Rock or tune in on Instagram @pjlasierra. All are invited!
Come and cheer on our Golden Eagles!
Come and cheer on our Golden Eagles!
This meeting is required for all student organizations that will be hosting a booth at Festival of Nations! 2 officers from each organization are required to be there. We will be sharing more...
Come and cheer on our Golden Eagles!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join us at La Sierra University Church's Liturgical Service!
Join us at La Sierra University Church's Contemporary Service!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Come and cheer on our Golden Eagles!
Come and cheer on our Golden Eagles!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join Pastor Jason for a daily morning prayer at 8:08am at Justice Rock or tune in on Instagram @pjlasierra. All are invited!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Join Pastor Jason for a daily morning prayer at 8:08am at Justice Rock or tune in on Instagram @pjlasierra. All are invited!
The university community comes together on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. for Chapel. This is a corporate time of worship, learning, and fellowship!
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...
Applications for S A L S U Financial VP/Secretary, Wellness Director, Marketing Director, Parliamentarian, Criterion Editor-in-Chief and Visions Editor are now open! Apply now to be part of next year's...

The La Sierra Life

At La Sierra, our exciting and diverse student body is enabled to create outstanding futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. Our scholars go beyond the classroom, becoming active world-changers as they find a life that is both personally and spiritually fulfilling. See for yourself—explore our social media channels to check out what's new with our campus family!

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