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Undergraduate Application Requirements

Undergraduate Freshman

Information for high school students.

Undergraduate Transfer

Information for transfer students

Admissions Calendar

Deadlines for application

Graduate Programs Requirements Select School Below

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation GRE Scores Additional
Masters of Arts, MA 3.0 Minimum 2 Letters ( Download Form )Only upon request by School Writing Sample
Masters of Fine Arts, MFA 3.0 Minimum Not required Not Required Portfolio

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation GRE Scores Statement
Masters in Divinity, MDiv 2.5 Minimum Only upon request by School No1 Personal
Masters Theological Studies, MTS 2.5 Minimum Only upon request by School No1 Personal
Masters of Arts, MA 3.0 Minimum Only upon request by School Yes1 Personal

1 - GRE can be required if GPA is below the requirement and upon request of the School

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation GRE Scores Statement* Interview
Master of Arts 3.0 Minimum1Only upon request by School No1 Personal Yes
Master of Arts in Teaching 2.75 Minimum2Only upon request by School No Personal Yes
Credential Program 2.75 Minimum Only upon request by School No Personal Yes
Education Specialist, EDS 3.3 Minimum1Only upon request by School No1 Personal Yes
Doctor of Education, EDD 3.3 Minimum1Only upon request by School No1 Personal Yes
Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership, PHDL 4 3.5 Minimum3Only upon request by School Yes5 Personal Yes

* Personal statement and curriculum vitae are currently being waived for admission by the school of education.

1 GRE scores can be required by department if applying with a GPA below the minimum requirement.
2 CBEST and CSE scores are required prior to acceptance if applying with and undergraduate GPA below 2.75.
3 GPA from Masters level degree.
4 The PhDL program is a selective program with an intake once a year for the fall term. In addition to above items, it also requires evidence of writing and research skills (thesis, or research-based paper), and current Curriculum Vitae.
5 Analytical writing score must be 4.0 or higher.

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation Interview
Master of Business Administration, MBA 3.0 Minimum Only upon request by School1 No
Business Analytics, MBA (Riverside India Cohort) 3.0 Minimum Only upon request by School1 Yes

1 - Two academic letters of recommendation (preferable typed) if GPA is below 3.00
2 - If GPA is below 3.0

Admissions Staff

Enrollment Services Staff

Summer Applicants Information

You are an Unspecified Student if:

  • You only plan to take a few classes.
  • You have no intent of pursuing a degree program.
  • You do not need financial aid.

If you would like to take classes as an Unspecified student, please complete the Unspecified Student Registration Form
and submit to the following office by e-mail, mail or fax:

Office of the Registrar
4500 Riverwalk Parkway
Riverside, CA 92515
P: (951) 785-2006
F: (951) 785-2447

If you do not meet requirements for the unspecified student program, then fill out an application and submit all required documents.

If you have been accepted to La Sierra University, and you would like to take summer classes, then please contact the Office of Admissions or call 800.874.5587, and request that your terms be opened for summer quarter.

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