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Annual Fund
The Annual Fund is the university's yearly program designed to attract tax-deductible contributions from alumni and friends of La Sierra. Through the Fund, the university supports students through scholarships as well as academic and student life programs.
Annual Fund resources meet vital operational needs and help reduce educational costs for our students. For instance, your gifts may be used to provide scholarship assistance, upgrade campus-wide computing systems, or fund much-needed building renovations. All alumni and friends are encouraged to support the university every year through the La Sierra Annual Fund. Your contribution will enable current students to enjoy the gift of a La Sierra University education.How your dollar is distributed
- 34¢ supports instruction and research in all academic areas
- 24¢ helps students learn through providing academic and instructional support such as tutoring services, library resources, the Center for Student Academic Success (OACS), service learning opportunities, information technology, and administration
- 19¢ are invested directly in students through scholarships
- 9¢ helps offset the cost of Student Services such as campus ministries and residential life
- 14¢ goes to maintaining campus facilities and other costs
Matching Gifts
For Alumni
Donation Options
Your gifts are essential to La Sierra University and our students. Giving to La Sierra University is easy and quick on a secure method through MobileCause. Thank you for your generosity!
Please choose the purposes you would like to donate to below. Input a value and optional description. Enter a description for more detailed designations. Click continue.
For the purposes of strengthening the development program at La Sierra University 5% of all gifts will be used to partially defray related fundraising costs. We welcome your feedback as we steward the essential gifts necessary to fulfill the mission of La Sierra University.