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Our 2025 Scholarship Season has begun! The application deadline is on March 31st, 2025.
Get help paying for college with La Sierra University's Endowed Scholarships Program. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000. Requirements and application are available at:
Find our list of current La Sierra University Endowed Scholarships here.
If you would like more information before contributing to an existing scholarship or setting up an Endowed Scholarship in your name or in the name of someone else, please fill out the form on the bottom right hand corner entitled "Tell me More".
I really value my education and the friends I made here. My family and I live on campus, so I know what a difference gifts from alumni and friends make in supporting campus life, giving students the opportunity to live and learn in this Adventist Christian community."
Kim (Odle) Canine
Donation Options
Your gifts are essential to La Sierra University and our students. Giving to La Sierra University is easy and quick on a secure method through MobileCause. Thank you for your generosity!
Please choose the purposes you would like to donate to below. Input a value and optional description. Enter a description for more detailed designations. Click continue.
For the purposes of strengthening the development program at La Sierra University 5% of all gifts will be used to partially defray related fundraising costs. We welcome your feedback as we steward the essential gifts necessary to fulfill the mission of La Sierra University.