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Meet our OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Team


Daphne Thomas LCSW, Certified OLWEUS Trainer

Daphne Thomas is a licensed clinical social worker. She is passionate about assisting children and families live their best lives and enjoys helping strengthen relationships. She has worked with community agencies providing counseling to children and families and served as a school counselor at La Sierra Academy for six years. She has also worked as a social worker in the foster care system, a hospital setting, and a state mental institution. Daphne is currently an associate professor and the field director in the social work department at La Sierra University. Daphne is married to Rob Thomas, also a professor at La Sierra University. They have two sons and two grandchildren. Daphne can be reached via email at

Mindy Salyers MA School Counseling, BA Elementary Education, Certified OLWEUS Trainer

Mindy Salyers is a certified elementary teacher as well as a licensed school counselor, with a heart for helping students. Mindy began her career as associate residence hall dean of women for Andrews University, followed by three years as educational specialist at Collegedale Academy in Tennessee. After establishing a department to increase academic success for students with learning difficulties, Mindy transitioned to a role as school counselor for A.W. Spalding Elementary to focus on character education and bullying prevention. Most recently, Mindy has moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota where she is collaborating with Minnesota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to implement a conference-wide OLWEUS initiative. With her passion for Adventist education and individual students, and her love for Jesus, Mindy hopes that her small contributions will make a difference. You can reach Mindy at 423.364.0153 or

Kim Thompson MEd Administration and Supervision, BS Elementary Education, Certified OLWEUS Trainer

Born the daughter of a high school football coach and a school nurse in Southeast Tennessee, Kim Thompson currently serves the Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventist as an associate superintendent and regional director in education. Kim never wanted to follow in her parents' footsteps until she helped her mom with a children's class at church in 1979. Once God touched her heart and opened her eyes to the possibilities and rewards of working with young people, she changed her major to elementary education the very next day. The rest is history. In 2014 Kim is beginning her 31st year of educational service, which has included public and denominational elementary school work. She is a certified trainer in the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and a certified facilitator/presenter for the Love and Logic Classroom. Mrs. Kim, as her students and teachers call her, believes that both programs teach, encourage and reflect God's love and respect for others and self. Both programs are redemptive and restorative in nature rather than punitive. Kim's greatest joy is being with her "boys"-husband, John, and son, J.J. Her greatest love is sharing her best friend, Jesus, while serving all of "God's Children." You can reach Kim at
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