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About Us

A Brief History of CNEA

The Center for Near Eastern Archaeology (CNEA) at La Sierra University was established in 2012, emerging from archaeological programs and projects dating back to the 1970s. Building on these initiatives created and managed by several faculty colleagues, students, and members of the local community, CNEA grew out of the fortuitous intersection of several factors: the decision to move ahead with this idea in the face of significant financial risk; the enthusiastic support of scores of donors creatively engaged in the endeavor; a community-wide sense of excitement over the enhanced
presence of archaeology on campus and in the Inland Empire; the request by university administration for archaeology to move from space in Palmer Hall and elsewhere on campus, generously offering instead what was then a Day Care Center on the southern edge of the campus.From these enthusiastic, even if somewhat precarious beginnings, CNEA rapidly grew into an institute known and respected on campus, in the Inland Empire of southern California, across the country, and around the world, particularly in the Middle East. It currently sponsors:

  • Annual Archaeology Discovery Weekend (click here)
  • Five major research projects in Jordan (click here)
  • Annual Giving Day archaeological presentation
  • Annual Archaeology Winter Lecture (click here)
  • Annual Homecoming Archaeology program (click here)
  • Archaeology Adventures for grade school children (click here)
  • La Sierra Digs newsletter (click here)
  • Excavating the Bible TV episodes on LLBN (search for "Excavating the Bible")

The Center also provides the primary courses for the:

  • Undergraduate major and minor in Archaeology
  • Graduate MA in Near Eastern Archaeology

Support for CNEA comes from a long list of very generous contributors listed on the CNEA Donor Honor Roll (click here) which includes individuals, families, institutions, corporations, foundations, endowments, and US Department of State entities. Since its inception in 2012 (through 2024), CNEA has been the grateful beneficiary of over $1.3 million in donations and $736,000 in grants.

The Naming of CNEA

 With the founding of CNEA in 2012 came a renewed interest in the ancient Near East on the part of C. Fred Cornforth (1959-2024), former CEO of Community Development Inc. of Garden City, Idaho. Fred became one of the founding members of the CNEA Advisory Council, which shared in discussions about the nature and purpose of the Center, as well as providing financial support to ensure that this new, entirely donations-dependent research institute would succeed in its mission. Because of his generous philanthropy, the Director asked him if he would allow CNEA to name the Center in his honor, making it the C. Fred Cornforth Center for Near Eastern Archaeology. Not one to seek attention, he was coy about the idea, favoring a different approach. He wished to establish a substantial endowment to provide sustainable support long into the future, but only if it was named in honor of his two treasured archaeologists: Larry Geraty and Doug Clark. Both objected ... strenuously. But Fred insisted on the new name--the Lawrence T. Geraty & Douglas R. Clark Center for Near Eastern Archaeology--telling them that he was sure he would receive a “D-minus” grade from both of them for not following their instructions. Fred may have expected a “D-” grade from them, but they both give him an “A++” for his exemplary life of generosity which has benefitted archaeology at La Sierra but has also enhanced the lives of thousands of recipients of his largess around the globe. To honor him for his commitment to CNEA and to archaeology at La Sierra, the Center has mounted a bronze commemorative plaque inside the entry hallway for all to see and celebrate.

Our Mission

The Lawrence T. Geraty & Douglas R. Clark Center for Near Eastern Archaeology (CNEA) at La Sierra University engages and collaborates with local and global communities to foster interest in and develop appreciation for the ancient cultures of the Near East. Accordingly, the Center responsibly conserves and displays its artifacts from the Near East in a manner mutually beneficial for both the communities from which the artifacts came and the community in which they now reside.

As part of an academic institution, it provides educational resources and research opportunities for students, scholars, and the public. By promoting awareness of the past, especially the biblical past, the Center constructs a better future for religious and secular communities alike.

CNEA Staff

MRAMP, Madaba

Douglas R. Clark, PhD

Associate Director
Lawrence T. Geraty, PhD

Associate Director
Khirbat al-Balu`a

Kent V. Bramlett, PhD

Associate Director
Khirbat Ataruz
Chang Ho Ji, PhD

Associate Director
Khirbat al-Balu`a
Friedbert Ninow, PhD

Curatorial and Office Assistant
Raúl Zanatta, MA cand.

Communications Coordinator
Dawn Acevedo, MA

Special Projects Coordinator
Kaitlyn Satelmayer, MA cand.

Publications Manager
Khirbat al-Balu`a
Monique Roddy, PhD

`Umayri Dolmen Anthropologist
Kristina Reed, PhD

Office Hours

Please call 951-785-2632 for office hours or to schedule a visit.

For questions or information regarding our academic programs or excavations, please email .

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