Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibilityAbout the Department - Computer Science - La Sierra University
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About the Department

The demand for computer science professionals throughout the next decade is increasing as a result of computer technology becoming more prevalent in our society. The Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at La Sierra University builds a solid computer science foundation, and focuses on technical and applied knowledge, fundamental skill sets, state-of-the-art technological advances, effective communications, and best practices necessary to compete in today's ever-changing computer field. With this strong background, graduates from our program are ready to work and face the challenges in today's world of technology.

Our graduates are working in high-profile companies such as Apple, Google, ESRI (mapping), Loma Linda University and Medical Center, Northrop Grumman (aerospace), Oracle, Raytheon, and many others. They are working in fields as varied as aerospace, healthcare, database, finance and education; and working as software engineers, programmers, researchers, system administrators, network managers, IT managers, teachers, and web designers.

The department is located in the new modern Price Science Complex with 10,000 square feet of floor space for teacher offices, classrooms, and both teaching and research labs. The department maintains Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Linux servers, with open labs for our majors to use.

Our curriculum conforms to the ACM/IEEE standards for computer science. Our classes cover the core computer science principles with integrated hands-on laboratory experience for an enhanced learning experience, preparing students for exciting careers in the industry or academia.

The department enjoys the benefits of small class sizes and a relaxed Christian atmosphere. Students get personal attention and mentoring from caring professors. There are many opportunities for informal, one-on-one interactions between students and faculty in the hallway, during departmental social activities, or club nights. Both on-campus and off-campus computer-related student jobs are available for practical training.

The university is located in Southern California. With its warm and dry climate, the campus offers beautiful scenery and year-round outdoor activities. We are close to warm sunny beaches, snow-capped mountains, and many major tourist attractions such as Disneyland and Hollywood.

My software development class taught me more than simply software development. It taught me life skills about how to effectively communicate with end-users. While working in my software development job, I am often asked to meet with clients as the sole representative for the company. My software development class is where I learned the skills necessary for promotion to that position."

Degree Programs

Computer Science

Contact and Location
Price Science Complex, Room 247

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