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Kendra Haloviak Valentine
- Ph.D., New Testament and Ethics, The Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, 2002
- M.A., New Testament, Andrews University Theological Seminary, 1991
- B.A., Theology and English, Columbia Union College, 1989
Principal Research Interests
Current research interests include old and new approaches to biblical interpretation (hermeneutics) and their practical implications for church and society. For example, what does it mean to notice the book of Revelation’s sixteen hymns while reading and interpreting the only full-length canonical apocalypse? How do the oral features of the gospel of Mark contribute to its meaning? Recent research projects have focused on the early Christian house churches in general and the involvement of women specifically as well as on the social justice implications of hermeneutical approaches that embrace perspectives such as ecological, postcolonial and Black theology.
Research AREA Highlights:
- Apocalyptic literature
- Early Christian house churches
- The gospel of Mark
- Hermeneutics
Phone: 951-785-2059
Representative Publications
- “Unworthy Worship: Paul as Pastoral Theologian to the Christians in Corinth,” in Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 19.1-2 (2021): 3-12.
- “Cleopatra: New Insights for the Interpretation of Revelation 17,” in Spectrum 48:1 (2020): 44-59, earlier published as “Cleopatra and the Interpretation of Revelation 17,” in Evangelical Quarterly 87:4 (2015): 310-330.
- “Truth and Power in the Fourth Gospel,” presentation to the Society of Adventist Philosophers (November 21, 2019); published in Spectrum on-line Dec 26, 2019.
- “Legion’s Land: An Ecocritical, Postcolonial Reading of Mark 5:1-20,” presented at Avondale College (NSW, Australia), August 23, 2018; earlier published in Ecotheology and Nonhuman Ethics in Society: Community and Compassion, Melissa Brotton, ed. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016.
- “Historical Perspectives on Adventist Women and the Ministry,” in Spectrum 46:4 (2018): 5-15.
- “The Wars Waco Revealed: Reflecting on Waco 25 Years Later,” in Spectrum 46:2 (2018): 27-39.
- Haloviak Valentine, Kendra. Book Review (commissioned) of Stephen D. Moore’s Untold Tales from the Book of Revelation: Sex and Gender, Empire and Ecology (JBL Press, 2014) in Catholic Biblical Quarterly 78:2 (April, 2016): 389-391.
- Worlds at War, Nations in Song: Dialogic Imagination and Moral Vision in the Hymns of the Book of Revelation (Wipf & Stock, 2015).
- Signs to Life: Reading and Responding to John’s Gospel (Signs Publishing, 2013).
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