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ESL Programs

The English Language and American Culture (ESL) Program is designed for international students seeking an English language learning experience and an introduction to the American culture. The Program is designed to help students meet the English language skills that are required for admission into undergraduate and graduate programs.

Full-time ESL students take 12-17 units of ESL courses. Part-time ESL students (Expanded Level) take 8 units of ESL courses and 4-8 units of university-level undergraduate or graduate college courses, as appropriate.

At this level, students learn the fundamental principles that govern the English language by being introduced to the basics of grammar, reading comprehension, conversation, writing, and essential vocabulary for everyday functioning.  Successful completion of this level will result in Basic Level competency and transition into the Beginning Level. Courses at this level do not apply toward graduation in any major or pre-professional program, nor do they meet any university studies or general education requirements.

Courses offered at this level:
ESLC 051 Basic Grammar and Syntax (4 Units)
ESLC 052 Basic Composition (4 Units)
ESLC 053 Basic Reading, Comprehension & Vocabulary (4 Units)
ESLC 054 Basic Listening, Pronunciation & Conversation (4 Units)
ESLC 050L Basic Language Lab (1 Unit)

At the completion of this level, students possess enough English language skills to comprehend basic reading material, write their thoughts in simple grammatically-correct sentences and short paragraphs, and have a vocabulary base that allows them to function in everyday situations. Successful completion of this level will result in Beginning Level competency and transition into the Intermediate Level. Courses at this level do not apply toward graduation in any major or pre-professional program, nor do they meet any university studies or general education requirements.

Courses offered at this level:
ESLC 151 Beginning Grammar and Syntax (4 Units)
ESLC 152 Beginning Composition (4 Units)
ESLC 153 Beginning Reading, Comprehension & Vocabulary (4 Units)
ESLC 154 Beginning Listening, Pronunciation & Conversation (4 Units)
ESLC 150L Beginning Language Lab (1 Unit)

In this level, students develop skills in writing paragraphs and short essays that are clear, cohesive, and well-organized, using a wider range of academic vocabulary. In addition, students are exposed to college-level material. Successful completion of this level will result in Intermediate Level competency and transition into the Advanced Level. Courses at this level do not apply toward graduation in any major or pre-professional program, nor do they meet any university studies or general education requirements.

Courses offered at this level:
ESLC 251 Intermediate Grammar and Syntax (4 Units)
ESLC 252 Intermediate Composition (4 Units)
ESLC 253 Intermediate Reading, Comprehension & Vocabulary (4 Units)
ESLC 254 Intermediate Listening, Pronunciation & Conversation (4 Units)
ESLC 250L Intermediate TOEFL Lab (1 Unit)

At the completion of this level, students are able to produce grammatically-accurate writing that demonstrates college-level material clearly and effectively through public speaking and class discussions. Courses at this level do not apply toward graduation in any major or pre-professional program, nor do they meet any university studies or general education requirements.

Courses offered at this level:
ESLC 351 Advanced Grammar and Syntax (4 Units)
ESLC 352 Advanced Composition (4 Units)
ESLC 353 Advanced Reading, Comprehension & Vocabulary (4 Units)
ESLC 354 Advanced Listening, Pronunciation & Conversation (4 Units)
ESLC 350L Advanced TOEFL Lab (1 Unit)

At the completion of this level, students will have obtained some tools necessary for college success, including elements of critical thinking, planning, and cultural awareness. Part time ESL students in the Expanded level are expected to successfully complete two ESL courses identified below and 1-2 university-level courses, as advised. Students at this level participate in the University's Pathway Program, which ensures the opportunity for successful transition into full-time university study. Courses at this level do not apply toward graduation in any major or pre-professinal program, nor do they meet any university studies or general education requirements.

Courses offered at this level:
ESLC 102 Expanded Composition (4 Units)
ESLC 103 Expanded Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Composition (4 Units)
ESLC 104 Expanded Listening and Speaking, American Culture and Critical Thinking (4 Units)

ISDA courses are designed to accommodate International students who arrive at La Sierra University 2 weeks or more after the start date of an academic term. Courses are 4 units each. These courses carry no academic credit and cannot be used to fulfill any degree, certificate, or pre-professional requirements. ISDA courses are non-transferable to other institutions.

Courses Offered At This Level: (Classes not offered every quarter)

ISDA 090 Critical Thinking
ISDA 091 American Classroom Culture
ISDA 092 Topics in ESL
ISDA 093 Preparatory Listening, Pronunciation & Conversation
ISDA 094 Preparatory Foundational Reading & Vocabulary
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