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General Education Requirements: Track 1 The NEW Gen Ed

Track 1 General Education Requirements The NEW Gen Ed

Your General Education program consists of four elements:

  • General Education Foundations
  • General Studies
  • Service Learning
  • IDEI Course Cluster
First-Year Seminar (UNST 101 or PREH 101) 3 Units
Math (selected from the approved list of College Math courses) 4 Units
Health & Fitness (HSLC 120 Lifetime Fitness) 2 Units

Writing / Rhetoric

  • Composition (4-11 Units; usually ENGL 111, 112, & 113)
  • Upper-Division Rhetoric (0-4 Units; usually a course within your major, or ENGL 304)
4-15 Units
Social Sciences8 Units (selected from the approved Social Science course list)
Arts & Humanities12 Units (selected from the approved Arts & Humanities course list)

Religion & Society

  • Beliefs (4 Units)
  • Scripture (4 Units)
  • Electives (8 Units)
16 Units (selected from the appropriate categories of the approved list of Religion courses)


  • Life Science (4 Units)
  • Physical Science (4 Units)
  • 1 Science Lab (0-1 Unit)
8-9 Units (selected from the appropriate categories of the approved list of Science courses)
Senior Seminar4 Units (normally the UNST 404 course offered within your major, or UNST 404U)

2 Service Learning courses (these may be within you major, a minor, the General Education program, or electives; Service Learning courses can be found using the online course schedule)

3 IDEI coures

These may be within your major, a minor, the General Education program, or electives; approved courses are marked "IDEI" in the following course lists:

  • Social Sciences
  • Arts & Humanities
  • Religion

General Education Course Lists As of Fall 2024

These lists show the courses approved for General Education credit in each academic category; courses that are also approved for IDEI credit are marked "IDEI".

ANTH 331

Transnationalism: Americas (IDEI)

ANTH 339

Food & Culture

ANTH 431

Forced Migration

CJUS 105

Introduction to Criminal Justice


Community Policing (IDEI)

CJUS 232

Criminal Procedure

CJUS 245


CJUS 265

Street Gangs and Law and Society (IDEI)

CJUS 334


CJUS 347


CJUS 354

Interpersonal Communication

CJUS 408

Public Policy (IDEI)

CJUS 414

Juvenile Justice

CJUS 415

Cultural Diversity in Criminal Justice Systems (IDEI)

CJUS 416


CJUS 417

Domestic Violence

CJUS 424

Probation and Parole


Miscarriage of Justice

COMM 104


COMM 108

Intro to Communication

COMM 244

Interpersonal Communication

COMM 288

Communication theory

COMM 324

Small Group

COMM 328


COMM 344

Gender & Communication (IDEI)

COMM 354

Advanced Speech

COMM 365

Organizational Communication (IDEI)

COMM 390

Research Methods

COMM 444

Family Communication

COMM 455


COMM 477

Intercultural Communication (IDEI)

COMM 488

Advanced Theory

ECON 254

Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON 255

Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 357

International Economics

ECON 366

Economic Growth and Development

ECON 392

Essentials of Game Theory

EDCI 204

Intro to Teaching

EDFO 305

Psychology of Learning

FNCE 104

International Finance

GEOG 276

Human & Population Geography

HIST  306

Pressing Issues in Society

HIST 339

Food & Culture


Gender and Film


Sports in American Culture


Border Conflicts in Popular Imagination (IDEI)


Law & Justice (IDEI)

HIST 466

Reproductive Health, Justice, & Politics

HLSC 214

Dimensions of Wellness

HLSC 314

Dynamics of Health Education (IDEI)

HLSC 317

Health, Society & the Consumer

HLSC 340

Lifestyle Diseases

HLSC 428

Multicultural Issues in Health (IDEI)

HLSC 476

Health & the Global Environment

MGMT 424

Global Poverty (IDEI)

MGMT 464

Women in Management (IDEI)

MGMT 469

Leadership for Economic Growth (IDEI)

MGMT 486

International Environment and Management (IDEI)

MKTG 305

Marketing Principles

MKTG 365

Marketing Research

MKTG 374

Consumer Behavior (IDEI)

MKTG 487

International Marketing (IDEI)

PLSC 140

Introduction to Black Studies (IDEI)

PLSC 150

Introduction to Chicanx Studies (IDEI)

PLSC 160

Introduction to Gender Studies (IDEI)

PLSC 306

Pressing Issues in Society


Law & Justice (IDEI)

PLSC 466

Reproductive Health, Justice, & Politics

PSYC 104

General Psychology (IDEI)

PSYC 234

Developmental Psychology (IDEI)

PSYC 251

Social Psychology (IDEI)

PSYC 314

Psychology of Gender (IDEI)

PSYC 344


PSYC 392

Essentials of Game Theory

PSYC 464/L

The Exceptional Child (& lab) (IDEI)


Prejudice (IDEI)


Political Psychology

SOCI 104

General Sociology

SOCI 140

Introduction to Black Studies (IDEI)

SOCI 150

Introduction to Chicanx Studies (IDEI)

SOCI 160

Introduction to Gender Studies (IDEI)

SOCI 306

Pressing Issues in Society

SOCI 331

Transnationalism: The Americas (IDEI)

SOCI 345

Social Organization

SOCI 414

Sociology of the Family


Border Conflicts in Popular Imagination (IDEI)

SOCI 466

Reproductive Health, Justice, & Politics

SOWK 214

Generalist Practice I (IDEI)


Addictions (IDEI)


Gerontology (IDEI)

SOWK 286D 

Mental Health


Criminal Justice (IDEI)

SOWK 311

Human Behavior I (IDEI)

SOWK 312

Human Behavior II (IDEI)

SOWK 320

Cultural Humility (IDEI)


ARTA 205

The Language of Art (IDEI)

ARTA 309

Art History: Baroque through Modern (IDEI)

ARTA 310

Art History: Modern Art (IDEI)


Contemporary Art Issues (IDEI)


History of Graphic Design (IDEI)

ARTS 115

Design Fundamentals

ARTS 194


ARTS 224


ARTS 234


ARTS 255

Digital Photog

COMM 202

Communication in Society (IDEI)

COMM 215


COMM 226

Mass Media in Society

COMM 238

Intro to News Writing



COMM 315

Advanced PR

COMM 338

Advanced News Writing

COMM 339

Writing for Digital Media

COMM 358

Design and Writing for PR

COMM 429

PR Case Studies

DRAM 160

Drama Appreciation


Introduction to Acting

ENGL 150

Experience Literature

ENGL 206

Introduction to Literature

ENGL 231

Survey of British Literature I

ENGL 232

Survey of British Literature II

ENGL 233

Survey of American Literature


Topics in English: Detective Fiction

ENGL 382

Grammar & Linguistics                            

ENGL 414

World Literature


Modern Children’s Literature: Post-1940

ENGL 416

Young Adult Literature

ENGL 425

Major American Authors or Movements

ENGL 445

Biblical Literature

ENGL 446

Major British Authors or Movements                         

ENGL 458


ENGL 459


ENGL 465

Topics in English                                                       


Contemporary Literary Criticism (IDEI)                            

EXSC 416

Movement in Cultural Perspective

FLTV 108

Storytelling for Fun & Profit

FLTV 318

History of Moving Pictures

FLTV 320

How to Watch a Movie Like a Pro

HIST 130

Intro to African-American History (IDEI)

HIST 350

American Civil Rights Movement (IDEI)


Harlem Renaissance (IDEI)

HUMN 108

Forgiveness, Personality & Culture

MUHL 205

Music Appreciation

MUHL 206

Popular Musics of the World (IDEI)

MUHL 338

World Music

MUHL 339

Contemporary Popular Styles


University Chorale


Chamber Singers

MUPF 279


MUPF 286

Wind Ensemble

PHIL 105

Western Intellectual Tradition

PHIL 204

Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 317

Foundations of Western Thought: From the Greeks to the Middle Ages

PHIL 318

The Making of Modern Thought: From Rationalism to Pragmaticism

PHIL 319

Contemporary Thought: From Logical Positivism to Postmodernism

PHIL 436

Philosophy of Religion (also RELT 436)

SOWK 205

Social Policy I

SOWK 405

Social Policy II

SPAN 348

Spanish-American Literature 1492-1888

SPAN 426

Spanish Civilization (IDEI)

SPAN 428

Spanish-American Civilization (IDEI)

SPAN 469

Themes: Contemporary Latin-American Literature: 20th Century  (IDEI)


Chinese Civilization (IDEI)


Civilizations of the Middle East (IDEI)


The university encourages students to study religion in all four categories listed below. Students must take:

  • 4 units from Category B. Beliefs and Heritage
  • 4 units from Category C. Scripture
  • 8 units of electives (from any of the four categories)

Category A. Spiritual Experience and Expressions (0-4 units)

RELG 235

Introduction to Religious Studies

RELG 237

World Religions

RELG 267

Religious Faith & Life (IDEI)

RELT 464

Religious Development & Moral Learning

RLGN 305

The Experience of Religion in Three Cultures (IDEI)

Category B. Beliefs and Heritage (4 units)

RELH 483

History of Seventh-day Adventism

RELT 104

Introduction to Christianity

RELT 106

Introduction to Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs

RELT 245

Christian Beliefs

RELT 434

Dimensions of Salvation

RELT 453

Christian Theology

RLGN 304

Adventism in Global Perspective (IDEI)

Category C. Scripture (4 units)

RELB 104

Jesus & the Gospels (IDEI)

RELB 206

Sacred Texts: The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Scriptures

RELB 207

Sacred Texts: The New Testament Scriptures

RELB 309

Readings in Scripture

RELB 424

Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Prophets

RELB 445

Old Testament Archaeology

RELB 446

New Testament Archaeology

Category D. Religion and Society (0-4 units)

RELE 205

Ethics in the Modern World (IDEI)

RELE 447

Religion & Society

RELE 455

Christian Understanding of Sexuality

RELE 457

Religion & Gender (IDEI)

RELE 459

Issues in Religious Ethics

One course from each category; at least one course must have a lab.

Life Science (4 units)

BIOL 107

Human Biology 

BIOL 111, 111L

General Biology I, with laboratory 

BIOL 112, 112L

General Biology II, with laboratory 

BIOL 113, 113L

General Biology III, with laboratory 

BIOL 131

Human Anatomy & Physiology I 

BIOL 132

Human Anatomy & Physiology II 

BIOL 327, 327L

Survey of Biological Principles, with laboratory 

BIOL 415

Environmental Science 

BIOL 486

Marine Biology 

CHEM 106, 106L

Introductory Chemistry II, with laboratory 

CHEM 431

Biochemistry I 

EDCI 308

Urban Agriculture 

HLSC 125

Basic Nutrition 

NEUR 106/L

Integrative Foundations of Neuroscience, with laboratory

NEUR 261/L

Behavioral Neuroscience, with laboratory

Physical Science (4 units)

CHEM 105, 105L

Introductory Chemistry I, with laboratory 

CHEM 111, 111L

General Chemistry I, with laboratory 

CHEM 112, 112L

General Chemistry II, with laboratory 

CHEM 113, 113L

General Chemistry III, with laboratory 

GEOL 314

Earth Science (includes laboratory) 

GEOL 316

Earth & Space Science (includes laboratory) 

PHYS 117

Introduction to Physics

PHYS 231, 231L

General Physics I, with laboratory 

PHYS 232, 232L

General Physics II, with laboratory 

PHYS 233, 233L

General Physics III, with laboratory 

PHYS 304

Astronomy (includes laboratory)

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