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The OLD Gen Ed For Continuing Students Under Bulletin Year 2023-24 and Earlier

Which Gen Ed Program Applies to Me?

La Sierra's General Education Requirements have changed for Fall 2024. If you're a new students (Fall 2024 and after) your General Education requirements will be described under the link "The New Gen Ed."

If you are a continuing student (whose Bulletin year is 2023-24 or earlier), the requirements described here ("The OLD Gen Ed") apply to you.

FAQs What if I have questions?

Yes, by changing your Bulletin year to 2024-25. Contact your adviser in order to make that change.

BUT NOTE: By changing your Bulletin year, you will also need to meet the requirements of any changes to your major (or minor or pre-professional program) that are included in the 2024-25 Bulletin. Contact your advisor before changing Bulletin year.

Sophomores are most likely to benefit; Seniors are least likely.

The new General Education incorporates the following changes:

  • Fewer units: 61 – 76 (the older Gen Ed is 69-88 units) with more students at the lower end of the range
  • Elimination of the World Languages requirement
  • Elimination of required “Theme Courses” (those beginning with prefixes SSCI, HUMN, RLGN, and NSCI)
  • An IDEI course cluster: 12 units of courses related to the topic of Identity, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Revised lists of approved Gen Ed courses in Science, Arts & Humanities, and Social Science
  • Unlimited “double dipping” (counting a course to meet more than one category of requirement)

As of this posting (late June 2024), no. But this feature should be available later this summer. The Records Office needs to complete a massive amount of re-programming and re-coding to input the new Gen Ed into DegreeWorks; the Registrar hopes to have that work completed sometime in August 2024.

Theme Courses (those beginning with the prefixes SSCI, HUMN, RLGN & NSCI) will continue to be offered for at least 2 years so that continuing students can complete their Gen Ed requirements.

From the 2024-25 Undergraduate Bulletin, and from this website (see the link titiled "The NEW Gen Ed").

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