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Events of Commencement 2025

Friday, June 13, 2025

  • CONSECRATION SERVICE: La Sierra University Church, 8:00 p.m. 
    ATTIRE: Candidates wear academic regalia and enter the church in procession.
    Please ARRIVE by 7:00 p.m. for gowning and assembling in the Fellowship Hall of the La Sierra University Church. Park in Lot E by Sierra Vista Hall (OACS).

Saturday, June 14, 2025

  • BACCALAUREATE: La Sierra University Church, 11:15 a.m.
    ATTIRE: Candidates wear academic regalia and enter the church in procession.
    Please ARRIVE by 10:15 a.m. for gowning and assembling in the Fellowship Hall of the La Sierra University Church. Park in Lot E by Sierra Vista Hall (OACS).
  • EDUCATOR DEDICATION: La Sierra University Church, 3:00 p.m.
    ATTIRE: Academic regalia optional
    This special service, dedicating teachers, administrators, and counselors to the ministry of education, will take place at the La Sierra University Church. The dedication service is coordinated by the School of Education faculty.
  • H.M.S. RICHARDS DIVINITY SCHOOL DEDICATION: Matheson Chapel, 4:30 p.m. 
    ATTIRE: Candidates wear academic regalia
    The consecration service honors graduating (undergraduate and graduate) Divinity School students for their achievements at La Sierra University. It also provides an occasion for the students, their families, local Seventh-day Adventist Church conference pastors and conference officials to join the faculty in sending the students, with God’s blessings, into gospel ministry.

Sunday, June 15, 2025

  • ATTIRE: Candidates wear academic regalia.
  • GOWNING/ASSEMBLING AREA: Candidates ARRIVE by 6:30 a.m. at the Upper Campus Mall for gowning (in front of the Library next to Humanities Hall).
  • GROUP PHOTO: A photo of all graduates will be taken at 7:00 a.m. on the steps of the Library. Candidates will have the opportunity to download this group picture later from the Graduation Website.
  • FORMING ROWS: Upon completion of the photo, each candidate must pick up their grad pass (name card) and line up in the designated row. Candidates should look up their row and seat assignments at beforehand. Information tables will also be available to provide direction. Latecomers will be positioned in the last row if time does not allow them to find their assigned spot.
  • CONFERRING OF DEGREES: La Sierra University Founders’ Green, 8:00 a.m.

Academic Regalia Pick Up: June 2-13, 2025

Library Hours

Ask at the Circulation Desk
Mondays – Thursdays, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. midnight
Fridays, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sundays, 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. midnight

Instructions for Graduation Candidates

Wearing of Academic Regalia

The cap is worn level, the shorter point to center front, and the tassel on the right front side. The tassel will be flipped to the left side during Commencement.

The hood is looped around the neck and hung down the back, the colors of the institution turned out at the back. Personnel will be available at each ceremony to assist with gowning.

Graduation caps may be decorated, but should be dignified, appropriate to a university graduation, and in conformity with La Sierra standards. Corporate logos should not be included on caps, stoles, or any other graduation accessories.

Seating Position

Candidates should check the Graduation Webpage, to find their assigned row and seat number. The alphabetical seating list will be available starting the Wednesday before graduation weekend.

Line Formation

Candidates form a single-file line according to the printed marching order distributed at the gowning/assembling area. The procession must be ready to proceed at 7:45 a.m.

Candidates should find their places in line as quickly as possible and remain in line. Family and friends must refrain from taking candidates out of line for picture taking.

Procession Into Commencement

Begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. Row leaders are given red cards that must be returned to the personnel at the seating area. Candidates will march inpairs and must listen carefully for instructions from personnel.

Upon arriving at the seating area, all remain standing until the invocation is concluded. Men remove caps during prayer.

Presentation of the Candidates and Conferring of Degrees

At the conclusion of the commencement address, the Provost presents the candidates, asking them as a group to rise. While they are standing, the President then officially confers (on all simultaneously) the degrees for which they are qualified. At his signal, all are seated.

Awarding of Diplomas

At the direction of the marshal, each row stands one at a time and moves toward the platform for the candidates to receive their diplomas. Each candidate must present their grad pass to the readers (do not lose or mutilate the card).

Upon returning to their seat, each candidate should be seated immediately.


A recessional follows the benediction. Graduates process out in two rows during this time as indicated by the ushers.


Will be available in the following parking lots: Alumni Pavilion (gym), La Sierra University Church, between Palmer Hall and Sierra Vista Hall, and by the Visual Art Center.

Preferred parking will be available for a fee.

Graduates must enter through the upper campus at Raley drive or Quiet Lane to park in one of the nearby upper lots. Do not enter through the front gate on Yeager, as this entrance will be reserved for guests only.

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