You are here:
Student Wellness Services Emergency Protocol
Call 911 OR Go to the nearest hospital immediately!
You have a life or health-threatening medical or psychiatric condition that requires immediate medical attention.
- Severe Pain (abdominal, chest, etc.)
- General difficulty breathing OR shortness of breath
- Seizure
- Sudden loss of consciousness
- Inability to talk or move part of your body
- Severe panic attack
- Plans to commit harm to self or others
- Severe, persistent bleeding
- Major injuries from a vehicle or other accident, gunshots) or stab wounds
Call Student Wellness Services at (951) 785-2200 to speak with our staff and determine whether treatment or a future appointment is appropriate.
You have an illness or injury that requires prompt medical attention but is NOT life-threatening.
- Fever
- Cough or sore throat
- Minor scrapes
- Joint sprains Minor aches and pains (ear, head, back etc.)
- Frequent urination or burning sensation when urination
Schedule a future appointment with Student Wellness Services
By phone: (951) 785-2200
You have a new concern or change in an existing health condition OR if you have heath care needs or preventive screening you know about
in advance.
- Sexually transmitted infection screenings
- Gradual skin changes
- Vaccinations
- Physical exams for sports Pap tests
- Anxiet/depression without suicidal ideation - call office for appointment
Schedule a Medical Appointment
(please call us for Counseling/Psychiatry)
Medical Appointments:
Students have the option of scheduling an appointment with a physician/PA*:
- Online ( signing in as you would for your university email account.
- By phone: (951) 785-2200
*You cannot make Nurse Appointments (lab test samples collection, vaccinations, TB skin test, blood pressure check, psychiatry appointment,etc) online! Please call us during regular business hours.
How to Schedule an appointment online:
All La Sierra University students, faculty, and staff have access to a selection of health care providers. OpenCommunicator is the secure online portal used to access Medical Services. You can schedule, reschedule or cancel appointments, complete pre-visit questionnaires, print out immunization records, access lab results, and send secure messages to providers or nurses. To access the portal, click here, then sign in using your La Sierra University email username and password.
If you are having difficulty accessing the secure site, but believe that you are eligible to use it, please call Student Wellness Services at (951) 785-2200 or email for assistance. New features are being added all the time, and we encourage you to become familiar with this site and check back frequently.
Helpful tips for your telemedicine appointment:
- Find a quiet spot for your telehealth appointment - You don’t want your virtual appointment interrupted by your roommate, the kids or pets, etc. Turn off the TV/radio, use earbuds/headphones, if possible.
- Prepare your device(s) beforehand - Whether it’s a cell phone, laptop or desktop computer, make sure it’s fully charged or plugged in, and you have a reliable internet connection. Also, make sure the lighting is good in the location you want to use for the virtual appointment so the provider can see you clearly.
Dress appropriately - While this appointment is not in-person, you should still be well-attired/fully dressed for your appointment. Avoid clothing that is thin or transparent, has holes in it, or is generally not appropriate for a visit to the doctor's office.
Arriving for your in-person appointment:
At this time, appointments are mostly conducted in person. If you are scheduled for an in-person appointment, please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to get all necessary paperwork filled out.
We kindly ask that if you have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Chills/Body Aches
- Sore Throats
- Cough
- Nasal Congestion/Runny Nose
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Nausea/Vomitting
Please Wear A Mask.
Our office offers a variety of healthcare services - including access to a medical doctor. Most of these services are covered by the comprehensive fee that is part of your tuition and fees, which is paid during registration. This means that most of your services are already prepaid. Student Wellness Services provides the following:
Urgent Care
- Fever
- Cough or sore throat
- Minor scrapes/cuts
- Joint sprains
- Minor aches and pains (ear, head, back etc.)
- Frequent urination/burning sensation with urination
- New or worsening symptoms
- Other
Physical Examination
Sports Physical for La Sierra University
Women's Health
- Birth control counseling
- Pelvic Examination & Pap Smear
Sexual Health (Men & Women)
- STI testing
- Hepatitis B Vaccination
- Influenza Vaccination
- Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) Vaccination
- Meningococcal Vaccination
- Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap) Vaccination
Tuberculin Skin Test (Mantoux)
- Students attending La Sierra University as a graduate or undergraduate.
- Faculty and Staff.
Please call (951) 785-2200 to find out which specific services you qualify for.
Contact Us
Phone: (951) 785-2200
Fax: (951) 785-2263
Convenience Center
11498 Pierce Street
Suites #A & #B
Riverside, CA 92505
Office Hours:
Mon - Thu: 8am - 5pm
Fridays: 8am - 12pm
*Closed on Tuesdays for Chapel 11am - 12 pm