Please ensure Javascript is enabled for purposes of website accessibilityIGNITE 2025 - Student Involvement - La Sierra University
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IGNITE: The La Sierra Experience is a time to welcome new freshmen to the La Sierra Family. This program is designed to help incoming first years connect with their peers, introduce them to student leaders who can help them navigate their first year, and plug them in to campus resources they'll need throughout their college experience. 

IGNITE Dates: September 2025. See you then, in person and on campus!

Registration for IGNITE 2025 will open in June
and will be sent to your email!

Please use your La Sierra University email to access the form. If you run into any issues accessing the registration form or have not received your invitation to register, please contact us at

Our goals for IGNITE are to help you feel welcomed, feel knowledgeable about your campus resources, and feel connected!

We do this through many traditions and new opportunities for students to connect with the each other as well as their new campus home! Below are some things to expect during your time during IGNITE.

  • Family Groups -  Incoming students are placed in Family Groups of about 10 or so freshmen led by a current La Sierra student leader.
  • Hello Walk - Staff, Faculty, and Administrators line up to greet incoming Freshmen in an age old La Sierra tradition.
  • Meet the Departments - Freshmen will get a chance to connect with other new students and Faculty in their respective majors.
  • Team Building Activities - Within Family Groups and the larger group, play games to build connections with new students! 
  • La Sierra Live - On the final evening of IGNITE, students gather for a final get together with some good food and music. 
  • Giveaways - The more IGNITE events you attend, the more likely you are to win! And when we say giveaways, we mean GIVEAWAYS!  
  • and more! 

What to Bring 

  • Comfortable Clothes & Shoes
  • Sunscreen 
  • Refillable Waterbottle 

For more information, see the drop down that says "Additional Info." 

DAY 1 

- IGNITE Check-In (Student Center)
- Resource Fair (ZSB Atrium)
- General Session I (ZSB Troesh Conference Center)
Meet the Departments (Various Locations)
Friends + Family Dinner (Dining Commons)
Blessing Service (La Sierra University Church)
ResLife Orientation (Respective Dorms)
- Milk + Cookies (S A L S U Brickyard)


Breakfast (Dining Commons)

General Session II + Worship (ZSB Troesh Conference Center)

- Family Group Session I & Coffee Break (Various Locations)

Lunch (Dining Commons)

Workshop Rotations (Cossentine Hall)

Family Group vs. Family Group (Sierra Towers Chapel)

Group Picture (Fritz Guy Library Steps)

Hello Walk + Dinner (La Sierra Hall/Dining Commons)

General Session III + Worship (ZSB Troesh Conference Center)

Movie Night + Ramen Bar (Founder's Green)


-  Breakfast (Dining Commons)

-  General Session IV + Worship (ZSB Troesh Conference Center)

-  Golden Egg Hunt (Various Locations)

-  Family Group Session II & Coffee Break (Various Locations)

-  Lunch (Dining Commons)

Rotations (Various Locations)

-  Dinner + Family Group Session III (Dining Commons)

-  General Session V + Worship (ZSB Troesh Conference Center)

Eagle's Got Talent (Hole Memorial Auditorium)

-  Treats & Live Music (S A L S U Amphitheatre)


*please note that all events may change leading up to IGNITE

Eagles' Landing I Move-in for Residential Halls


Before orientation begins, students attending IGNITE staying in the residential halls will move into their rooms. Creating your home away from home is an exciting moment, and we’ll be here to help! If you've already applied to stay in the residential halls, our Residential Life team will be in contact with you regarding move-in days and times. If you haven't applied to stay in the residential halls yet, you can find the link to the application here.

Move-Ins will be by appointment ONLY. Please check your La Sierra email this summer for scheduling instructions. Those needing to move in outside of the dates above, must have dean approval. For more information about living on campus, please visit the Residential Life More Information page.

Please contact with any questions.

Some Additional Notes

IGNITE is required for Riverside and Corona campus students.

  • Please note that the cost for IGNITE is included in the freshman class fee on your fall quarter financial statement. You will still be charged the Orientation fee regardless of your attendance to IGNITE.
  • Rancho Mirage students, we understand it's a long drive. Please get in touch with your specific campus' team for information about your campus orientation.  

Commuter Students 

No accommodations will be made for staying in the dorm during IGNITE, unless you are a residential student. We wish we could, but we can't. We hope commuting during IGNITE gives you a chance to adjust to your new commuting schedule. Please remember to follow any of Security's instructions (either through emails or stopping to ask at the main front entrance kiosk) regarding parking permits on campus. 

Preparing for IGNITE

After you have applied to La Sierra University, been accepted & enrolled in classes, you'll be able to register! Either come back to this webpage to register or check your La Sierra email as our office will be sending out gentle reminders to our freshman class to register for IGNITE! As for specific details about IGNITE, we'll provide more information as we get closer through your La Sierra email. 

If at any time you have questions between updates, don't hesitate to email us at 

Need Help

If you have any further questions at all, feel free to reach us at our email: or phone number: (951) 785-2674

Other Resources

Need Further Help? Here are links for: 

Academic Advising 

Residential Life

Student Financial Services

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