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Certificate of Insurance
Please allow two weeks for us to process your request.
How to Request a Certificate of Insurance
As a professional courtesy, to the underwriters, please allow two weeks for processing a Certificate of Insurance for your event.
Please complete the following COI request and email to The Risk Management office at
Who is the Certificate Holder:
- Organization name
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip code
- Contact Name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Event location: (if different from certificate holder)
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip code
- Activity Requiring Certificate (e.g., Filming activity: Name of film; Name of Student/ID number, phone number;)
- Beginning Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Ending Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Additional Insured: Yes or No (select one answer)
- Specific Wording they Require
- Sponsored by (e.g., Your Department at La Sierra University)
- List email of recipient requesting certificate: (separate email addresses by semi-colon)
- Name and email address of the requester
Contractors/Vendors, need to complete one of the following agreements prior to the beginning of the contracted work or event/activity:
- Contractor Agreement with Financial Administration
- Contractor shall attach copies of licenses and permits to this Contract
- Submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI)* with signed contract
- Vendors Agreement with Financial Administration
- Vendor shall attach copies permits and/or licenses to this Contract
- Submit a Certificate of Insurance (COI)* with signed contract
* Please see the Certificate of Insurance requirement form prior to obtaining a COI from your insurance provider.
Please scan and submit all required documents to Financial Administration at
To obtain Professional Liablity insurance for student internships, you may find reasonable coverage at the following resource for education based programs by contacting the:
- American Professional Agency.
- For the Healthcare Professional please visit ProLiability Insurance.
Click Here for Checklist
What is it?
Why is it needed?
- To assure the vendor or provider has adequate liability coverage.
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Office location
Administration Building
Second Floor
Report Emergency
To report a campus emergency call the Campus Security at:
(951) 785-2222
(951) 785-5222 (fax)