For Support Department and Division Heads

Support Unit (Divisions and Departments) Annual Assessment

Process in Brief

  1. Each Unit (Department, Division, etc) prepares a report together. See the Assessment Report Support Template for details on what to include.
  2. If the Unit is Large department heads submit their Annual Department Reports to Assessment Division leaders in whatever way the Unit finds useful.
  3. Each Assessment Unit leader uses department reports to create one integrative Division-wide Annual Assessment Division Report; submits this to the Assessment Committee by submitting the form at for your 2022-2023 report.
    1. The full Annual Assessment Unit Report, including any appendices should be one file.
    2. Each Unit is expected to fill out the Assessment Rubric to self-evaluate the strength of their report.
  4. Assessment Committee reviews Assessment Division reports and provides feedback to each Assessment Division during fall quarter. The Assessment Committee then also provides a summary report to the Provost. Assessment Committee archives Annual Assessment Division Reports for reference purposes (may be available to other programs/departments).

Assessing Assessment Rubric for Support Departments

Section A: Background and Context
  1. Unit (department or division) described.
  2. Staff names, titles, and job functions included.
Section B: Unit Alignment with University Mission & Strategic Plan
  1. There is some relationship between the unit's work and the university's mission
  2. Mission statement demonstrates convincingly that it supports at least some elements of the university's mission.
  3. Well articulated mission statement.
  4. Clear alignment between goals of unit and relevant aims/strategic plan of the university
  5. The unit's mission and goals clearly contribute to the overall aims of the university in meaningful and measurable ways and these links are unambiguous.
  6. The unit's activities have demonstrated contribution to strategic plan and ongoing university operations.
Section C: Goals & Targeted Outcomes
  1. Some unit goals and targeted outcomes are stated.
  2. All goals have targeted outcomes.
  3. Targeted outcomes are stated in measurable terms.
  4. The list of targeted outcomes seems reasonable and appropriate
  5. Timelines are given for reaching measurable targeted outcomes.
  6. An explanation (concise) of why targeted outcomes were set is included.
Section D: Current Year Data Collection
  1. Some evidence is collected in order to evaluate the success of the unit.
  2. Data collection is consistent and continues to be fine-tuned.
  3. Reliable and appropriate methods are being developed and used to evaluate progress toward some of the targeted outcomes.
  4. Reliable and appropriate methods are used consistently (including, but not limited to such methods as standardized surveys, audits, structured interviews).
  5. Reliable and appropriate methods are being consistently used to measure progress toward all targeted outcomes.
Section E: Use of Data
  1. Assessment data from Section 3 is summarized.
  2. Assessment data (including audit information, customer service surveys, consultant reports) from the prior year are shared with the unit staff.
  3. Sharing of assessment data with staff and tracking of changes being implemented is routine.
  4. Assessment data is used to make necessary changes.
Section F: Planning
  1. The unit has a reasonable, plan for next year's evaluation of some goals or targeted outcomes.
  2. The unit has a reasonable, multi-year plan for evaluation of multiple goals or targeted outcomes.
  3. The unit has a comprehensive, sustainable, multi-year assessment plan.
  4. Plan describes when and how each targeted outcome will be assessed and how improvements based on findings will be implemented.
  5. The plan is routinely examined and revised.