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About the Department
The Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology provides a rigorous foundation based in both the science and application of psychology. Students earning a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from La Sierra University will be trained to think like psychologists, demonstrating the empirical habits, mastery of knowledge, and practical research skills that will make them competitive applicants for top graduate programs and jobs requiring strong analytical, information literacy, and communication skills.
The Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience is housed within the Department of Psychology but is distinctly interdisciplinary. Required courses are taught by faculty in both Psychology and Biology Departments. It emphasizes the biological correlates of behavior, and it is designed for students who plan to go on to postgraduate work or go into the professional application of the health sciences. The program trains students to think like neuroscientists, that is demonstrating the empirical habits, mastery of knowledge, and practical research skills that will make them competitive applicants for top graduate programs in neuroscience and applied fields such as medicine, pharmacy, and neuropsychology.
Mission Statement
Psychology infuses every area of life, from physics to theology to the mundane activities we undertake each day. A holistic educational experience—one that balances academic rigor with various kinds of learning opportunities and fosters personal integrity and responsibility—is the primary aim of our department’s faculty. Students earning a bachelor’s degree from La Sierra University will be trained to think like psychologists, demonstrating the empirical habits, mastery of knowledge, and practical research skills that will make them competitive applicants for top graduate programs and jobs requiring strong analytical, information literacy, and communication skills. Metacognition—reflecting on how we think—is also emphasized throughout our curriculum as students practice the integration of faith with the discipline of psychology, practice self-awareness, and analyze their own worldviews. This includes learning to embrace the process of critical evaluation, and to value alternative viewpoints even when these create ambiguity and preclude simple solutions. Although life’s problems rarely have simple solutions, we believe that empathy and integrity are necessary components of any truly effective problem-solving.
One way in which we encourage all of these qualities, which we deem critical in psychologically-minded individuals, is to create a scholarly community where each student is cared for, guided, mentored, and challenged. Within this environment, we aim that the academic skills, social conscience, and spiritual development of our students will be strengthened through both coursework and the example of each of the faculty.