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In 2022, the Office of Service-Learning implemented a digital time keeping application called "Track-it-Forward". This volunteer time tracking software allows volunteers to track their own hours so that our office and professors can successfully measure student service.
Track-it-Forward Flowchart
- Service-Learning Office acquires ALL Service-Learning rosters from the Records Office and/or faculty. (Weeks 1-2)
- Service-Learning Office uploads all registered Service-Learning student information into Track-it-Forward. (Week 3)
- **Students receive Track-it-Forward account information from the automated system. (Week 3)
- Students complete Track-it-Forward registration, including the name of their community partner, on the Track-if-Forward website. (Week 3)
- Students clock their Service-Learning hours at the Track-if-Forward website or app weekly. (Weeks 3-10)
- Service-Learning Office sends faculty confirmation of tracked student hours. (Weeks 10-11)
**Students may watch the video below for help on how to register without the TIF invitation using their La Sierra email address.
Service at La Sierra
Service-Learning incorporates community-based volunteer service into academic instruction. It is driven by the learning objectives of the course and, at the same time, responds to the real needs of community organizations. In support of La Sierra University's mission, "To Seek, To Know, To Serve," all students are required to complete two Service-Learning designated courses as a part of the university studies requirements (see below). Junior and senior transfer students must complete one Service-Learning experience.
A maximum of one Service-Learning requirement may be waived by serving as a long-term student missionary (9 months) along with the required Portfolio, supporting documents and approval by the Portfolio Committee. Contact the Office of Service-Learning for more information regarding the Portfolio Waiver.
No more than two Service-Learning courses may be taken by students in one quarter.
Service-Learning courses can be found by searching in the General Ed pull-down menu of the Online Course Schedule and are identified by S1R (Service-Learning Required). When a class offers Service-Learning as an option, students who do not wish to participate in the service should DROP the S1R section and register for S1O on the first day of that class.
Our Mission is to
Provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful service that enriches the classroom.
- Foster civic responsibility and commitment to service in students.
- Support faculty in the development and implementation of service-learning courses.
- Develop mutually satisfying long-term partnerships with community organizations.
Our Commitment
We are committed to high quality service-learning courses that effectively integrate service and learning by:
- Providing faculty with up-to-date best practices in service-learning pedagogy.
- Helping faculty to find appropriate community partners who will collaborate in achieving the learning goals of the class.
- Encouraging ongoing faculty development that will enhance the quality of the service-learning experience.
- Supporting students through adequate orientation and assistance in their community sites.
- Developing and maintaining mutually satisfying, long-term partnerships with community agencies that support the academic objectives of service-learning courses.
- Maintaining an effective structure that ensures the smooth operation of the service-learning program.
Without a doubt Service-Learning was one of the most memorable educational moments throughout my time at La Sierra University. I am proud to have graduated from La Sierra and to have done Service-Learning. La Sierra University taught me to be a life long learner and to continually seek opportunities to serve our community.
Demitrio Camarena
I am grateful for this experience. God put me there to increase my faith and to release my inhibitions. I would never have stepped into a place like that if it had not been for the class requirement.
Stephani Troyer, Religion & Rationality
National Recognition
La Sierra University has been nationally recognized for our commitment to service by the:
- 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Presidential Awardee
- President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll (2007-2015) “With Distinction” (2007-2008, 2010-2014)
- Carnegie Foundation classification in the area of Curricular Engagement (2008)
- Carnegie Foundation re-classification in the area of Community Engagement (2015)
The President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll program recognizes colleges and universities in the Honor Roll with Distinction and the Honor Roll categories. La Sierra University has been included in the honor roll program awards each year since an initial award in 2008, most years included on the Honor Roll with Distinction. In 2013, La Sierra University received the Presidential Award. The recognition commends La Sierra’s achievements in the Promise Neighborhood special focus area, which also aligns with President Obama’s education and innovation priorities. La Sierra was cited for its efforts during the 2011-12 school year to aid the region’s residents through various outreach programs including Service-Learning classes, Enactus team activities in economic empowerment, and other civic involvement.
In 2015, La Sierra University became one of 157 higher education institutions to receive the Carnegie Foundation re-classification in area of Community Engagement. La Sierra is among 33 California universities and colleges, and the only Riverside institution, to receive this designation. La Sierra University is the only Seventh-day Adventist school in the country to be recognized in the area of Community Engagement.
Contact Us
La Sierra Hall #220
(951) 785-2499
In-Person and Digital Office Hours
The Office of Service-Learning will be operating limited in-person and virtual office hours. You may schedule an appointment with the Assoc. Dean of General Education, Carlos Parra, at:
You may reach the Service-Learning secretary at:
(951) 785-2499
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