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Community Partner Resources

Current Community Partners:

Want to become a Service Learning Community Partner?

Contact Carlos Parra, Associate Dean of General Education at

Community Partner Service-Learning Checklist

[Please make sure each of the following is checked off before students start their service-learning experience at their community partner sites.] 

  • Each quarter brings with it new students. Community partners should hold an orientation each quarter at a mutually convenient time.

  • The Service-Learning office or a professor teaching the Service-Learning course should contact your site at least 2 weeks before the beginning of a new quarter. If you do not hear from the Office or professor, you should assume that we don’t have students for your site at this time, but may again in the future.
  • A contact person from the site should be willing to communicate with students in case of any issues, for example; scheduling conflicts, absences, emergency closures, etc.
  • Students should be scheduled and placed in their service assignments by the week after orientation is held in order for students to finish their 14 hours of required service in the 7-week period on site.
  • Please inform the Service-Learning office of any changes in requirements for students, pertinent paperwork needed to begin service, schedule conflicts, maximum number of students, change in administration, COVID19 Vaccination or testing requirements.
  • Community Partners should complete the Partner Feedback Form via email or telephone at the end of each quarter.

Contact Us

 La Sierra Hall #220  
(951) 785-2499

In-Person and Digital Office Hours

The Office of Service-Learning will be operating limited in-person and virtual office hours. You may schedule an appointment with the Assoc. Dean of General Education, Carlos Parra, at:

You may reach the Service-Learning secretary at:

(951) 785-2499


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