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Frequently asked questions about Title IX


What is Title IX?

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that is federally funded.

What does the Title IX office investigate?

Title IX handles reports on sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence (which includes dating and domestic violence), stalking, sexual exploitation, and retaliation for reporting a Title IX issue.

Who is protected under Title IX?

Title IX protects students, staff members, faculty and third parties like visitors and guests.

Where does Title IX apply?

Title IX applies to ALL ON CAMPUS activities and events and also over OFF-CAMPUS activities or events that are related to the University and would affect the performance or safety on campus.

What is sex discrimination?

Treating someone unfavorably because of that person’s sex.

What is sexual harassment?

Behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances.

What is sexual mis-conduct?

Behavior of a sexual nature that is committed without consent or by force, intimidation, coercion or manipulation.

What is intimate partner-violence?

Intimate partner-violence (IPV) includes dating violence and domestic violence. It is violent behavior from a current or former intimate partner against a current or former intimate partner. IPV can take a number of forms including physical, emotional, psychological, financial and sexual abuse.

What is stalking?

Unwanted and/or repeated surveillance by an individual against another person based on that person’s sex. It may include phone calls, emails, text messages, social media, following a person, keeping watch over that person’s home or at work or school.

What is sexual exploitation?

Act or acts committed through non-consensual abuse or exploitation of another person’s sexuality for the purpose of sexual gratification, financial gain, personal benefit or advantage, or any other non-legitimate purpose.

What is Retaliation?

If someone feels that there has been negative action taken against them for coming forward with a Title IX complaint, they may being retaliated against. They would need to contact the Title IX office right away.

Who should report a situation to the Title IX office?

Anyone can file a report for the Title IX office to investigate. You are encouraged to file a report if you suspect that a Title IX violation has occurred even if you are not the person allegedly affected or are not related to the person that may be affected.

A person that feels that they have been affected by another person who may have violated the La Sierra University Title IX policy should immediately contact the Title IX office.

Who is a Reporting party?

A reporting party is an individual who reports an allegation of a violation of the Title IX policy and is allegedly affected by the alleged violation.

Who is a Responding party?

A Responding party is the individual that allegedly violated the Title IX policy.

Can I file a report anonymously?

Anyone can file a report and remain anonymous. However, if you are the party allegedly affected it would be difficult for the Title IX office to offer assistance without knowing who to help.

Will the report be kept confidential?

If a reporting party wants to remain completely confidential the Title IX office may be able to make the necessary referrals for assistance and help.

However, confidentiality is not a guarantee because if the reporting party wants to proceed with an investigation, the Title IX office will have to contact the party that may have violated the Title IX policy and/or we may need to contact witnesses that may offer pertinent information.

Is it necessary to contact the Police?

A police report is not required to make a complaint to the Title IX office.

What can the Title IX office do after a report has been filed?

The Title IX Office may offer many options. Among the immediate responses that may be offered, the Title IX Office may:

  • Offer assistance and help to the reporting party.
  • Contact authorities if necessary.
  • Refer to counseling services and other support organizations.
  • Issue a temporary No Contact Directive against the Responding party.
  • Provide temporary accommodations. This may include a change of classes, academic accommodations, change in housing, etc.

What happens once a report is submitted to the Title IX office?

The Title IX Office will meet with the Reporting party and assess how the Reporting party wants to proceed and will determine the next steps according to our Title IX policy.

It may be necessary to initiate a Title IX inquiry and interview both parties and/or witnesses that may offer pertinent information.

What is a Title IX investigation?

After an initial inquiry, the Title IX Office may determine that it is necessary to formally investigate the matter. An impartial investigator will be appointed.

Once the investigator completes their report, a hearing will be conducted and it will be determined if a Title IX violation actually occurred and sanctions may be imposed.

How long does a Title IX investigation take?

Typically a Title IX investigation should be completed within 60 working days.

What is an Informal Resolution?

The informal resolution process is a voluntary, structured interaction between involved parties to resolve concerns at the earliest stage possible facilitated by the Title IX Office. The goals of informal resolution are to address reported behavior, prevent recurrence, and remedy effects without completing a formal investigation process. Both parties will be required to sign an Informal Resolution Agreement.

May a Title IX allegation be resolved via an Informal Resolution Process?

The Informal Resolution Process is only available for behavior that is considered on a lower level. The Title IX Office will assess the matter and determine if it may be resolved via an Informal Resolution Process. Sexual Mis-conduct allegations will always be subject to a formal investigation process.

Will I have to go to Court?

A Title IX proceeding is not a criminal proceeding. If the Reporting party wants to file criminal charges they may need to contact the Police.

For a court order they will need to go to court.

How to file a Title IX Report?

Access La Sierra University Website and complete the online report form. It will be sent directly to the Title IX Office.

Call our office: 951-785-2849

Email our office:

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