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Institutional Values and Community Expectations

In keeping with La Sierra University's mission and its heritage as a Seventh-day Adventist university, we resolve to live consistently within traditional Christian values and teachings on sexuality. We believe that Scripture is the ultimate authority on how to conduct our lives. La Sierra University takes the position that sexuality is a gift from God. Therefore, sexual expression should honor God, self, and others. The University expects that faculty, staff, and students will not engage in sexual intercourse outside of marriage nor engage in any sexual behavior or activity that would interfere with the University learning environment and its community. However, La Sierra University recognizes that members of its community may make choices that are inconsistent with the University's expectations for sexual behavior.

La Sierra University is committed to maintaining an environment in which all members of our campus community are safe, secure, and free from sexual misconduct in any form. Our community expects that all interpersonal relationships and interactions - especially those of an intimate nature - will be grounded upon Christian principles and values, mutual respect, open communication, and clear consent. When learning of conduct or behavior that may not meet these standards, community members are expected take an active role in upholding this policy and promoting the inherent dignity of all individuals.

This policy defines prohibited discrimination and harassment and details the University's response when it has notice of sexual misconduct. Specifically, this policy prohibits all forms of sexual or gender-based discrimination, harassment and misconduct, including sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, stalking, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, and sexual harassment. Prohibited conduct also includes retaliation against a person who reports, complains about or participates in good faith in processes under this policy, and violation of interim measures. Such conduct is collectively referred to as prohibited conduct.

If you have any questions about this policy, you may contact the Title IX Coordinator by phone 951.785.2849 or
11498 Pierce St., Suite DD, Riverside, CA 92505

This policy may be found online on the ‘About” page of La Sierra’s website, . Online reporting is available through the site.

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