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Frequently Asked Questions REW

Can I apply if I’m homeschooled?

Absolutely.  A teacher recommendation and signature on your application, however, is still required.

How should I format my paper?

Please use either MLA or APA standard formatting for both the body of your paper as well as the references.

What does my paper have to be about?

There are a plethora of research topics that we believe high school students could take a stab at.  Honestly, if it was a paper assigned by your English or History teacher, it's probably fair game!  Feel free to email Dr. Leukert ( if you have any questions.

Will all papers be accepted?

As long as your submission is complete -- application with signatures, poster/paper, and teacher recommendation - and features original research or a literature review, the committee will accept it.  The committee will then select from that pool of submissions the finalists who will present during Research Emphasis Week.

What is the timeline for the review process?

After ensuring that the submission is complete, the committee will review each paper carefully.  Depending on the number of submissions, this process may take several weeks.  

Finalists will be notified by May 10, 2024 so that they may have time to prepare for their presentations.

Will the presentations of the selected finalists take place in person?

Yes - Research Emphasis Week is held on the La Sierra University campus.  If high school finalists are asked to present their project slides or paper, it will be in person during REW, May 28-31, 2024.

How many finalists or awardees will there be?

It all depends on the quantity and quality of submissions that year.

Is there a submission fee?

Nope -- none at all.  La Sierra University simply wants to provide an opportunity for high school students to share their work with peers and faculty.

Who can I direct any additional questions to?

Aimee Leukert, committee chair:

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