A response to the San Bernardino shootings

  Health+Behavior   Arts+Culture   Adventist Culture  

The La Sierra University family continues to pray for those injured and for the families of those who lost their lives in the San Bernardino shooting, which took place approximately 20 miles northeast of our campus.

The La Sierra University family continues to pray for those injured and for the families of those who lost their lives in the San Bernardino shooting, which took place approximately 20 miles northeast of our campus.

We want to assure our students and their loved ones that we have a well-trained Security staff and emergency plans in place to secure our campus quickly in emergency situations. By coincidence, we had held a planned lock-down drill on campus just a few hours before the San Bernardino situation occurred. Our Security department also works closely with the Riverside Police Department.

We urge all students, faculty, and staff to sign up for the E2Campus emergency notification system. This provides text message alerts in emergency situations, including alerts about campus closure, lock-down, and class cancellations. Students can include their parents within their user account in the E2Campus system if they wish. Please go to https://lasierra.edu/emergency to sign up or get further information.