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Backus lecture returns with SAU history prof Diller
Lisa Clark Diller, a professor of history at Southern Adventist University will give a presentation titled “Silenced Masses: Catholicism Canceled in 17th-century England.” The talk will be held at the Zapara School of Business, Room 244 at 6 p.m., preceded by a reception at 5:30 p.m.
Diller’s lecture will delve into the politics and societal stresses of 17th century England at a time when English Catholics were not allowed to openly practice their faith. Catholic priests could be executed for leading mass, children were not allowed to attend Catholic schools, and Catholic heirs could lose their inherited land. Catholic parents could also lose custody of their children to be raised by Protestants.
During these frightening times, the English populace was learning to articulate its rights. Catholic parents joined the discussion and led the argument that parents had the right to raise their children as their consciences dictated.
Diller teaches about the early modern world and researches and writes on religious minorities and the development of modern liberal democracy. In addition to 17-century religion and politics, she enjoys service and activism in her urban neighborhood, running a ministry in the local church community that she and her husband helped start in 2008.
Established in 1986, the Isaac Backus American Freedoms Endowment at La Sierra was founded with a gift from the estate of sisters Florence and Eleanor Backus, longtime residents of Riverside. The founders’ interests in the endowment sprang from the example of their colonial ancestor, Isaac Backus (1724-1806), a leading Baptist preacher and a dissenter who fought the imposition of religious taxes and generally championed the cause of religious freedom. Backus supported the American War for Independence which he saw as a battle for religious freedom. The endowment funds an annual lecture delivered at La Sierra University.
The Isaac Backus American Freedoms Lecture is jointly sponsored by the La Sierra University Department of History, Politics & Sociology and the Fritz Guy Library. For further information email
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