Band festival to showcase 80 students from five schools


Five academies are sending their students to play in La Sierra’s band festival.

Dr. Ken Narducci
Dr. Ken Narducci

Approximately 80 teenagers from five Southern California schools will converge on La Sierra University next Wednesday for three days of intense rehearsals topped off by performances that will showcase their hard work.

The students are arriving from five Seventh-day Adventist academies to participate in this year's Invitational Band Festival, a four-day event that begins Wed., Oct. 19 and runs through Sat., Oct. 22. The students' schedule is interspersed with seven full band rehearsals, two instrument sectional rehearsals, volleyball, a movie, meals and time for hanging out.

The teen band members will perform a Vespers Concert on Fri., Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. in La Sierra's Hole Memorial Auditorium, and a band program on Sat., Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. at La Sierra University Church. They will also perform for church services earlier on Saturday. Admission is free to all performances.

The band's repertoire will include “Joy” by Joseph Curiale, “A Sacred Suite” by Brant Karrick, “Mansions of Glory” by David R. Gillingham, and “Poéme Héroique” by Marcel Dupré.

Participating schools are San Diego Academy, Newbury Park Academy, Glendale Academy, La Sierra Academy and Loma Linda Academy. The group is under the direction of Dr. Ken Narducci, La Sierra's director of wind and percussion studies and director of the university's Wind Ensemble and Big Band.

PR Contact: Larry Becker

Executive Director of University Relations

La Sierra University

Riverside, California

951.785.2460 (voice)

Pictures Highlights|Band Festival 2011|Band Festival 2011- Day 2 |Band Festival 2011- Day 3 |Festival Vespers

Watch the Band Festival Invitational perfom live on Saturday, October 22 at 4 p.m.