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Divinity School to hold multicultural concert, religion and arts seminar
On Sat., May 16, La Sierra University’s H.M.S. Richards Divinity School will present Shelton E. Kilby III, noted pianist, composer and Divinity School professor in a multi-media concert and lecture titled “Eidos: The Distinctive Expression of a Culture.” The event will provide cultural insight through varied musical experiences involving acoustic piano, pipe organ, acoustic bass, drums, choral works and ethnic percussion, and highlight the musical relationships of Jewish and plain chants, Negro chants, blues and jazz, and hip hop.
Kilby is a La Sierra visiting professor and lecturer on religion and the arts. His extensive background includes collaboration with such renowned artists as Mervyn Warren, Wintley Phipps, Tramaine and Edwin Hawkins, soundtrack composition for the documentary “A Profile of Ramses,” and work commissioned by the Metropolitan Opera’s Barbara Conrad for a personal appearance before Pope John Paul II. He also served eight years as music director for Breath of Life Ministry, an international Christian television broadcast, has lectured extensively and served as music minister, pastor, administrator and professor.
The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. at the Troesh Conference Center, at La Sierra’s Zapara School of Business, 4500 Riverwalk Parkway, Riverside. Admission is free.
“Eidos” will tie in with a Religion and the Arts Seminar and Workshop on Sun., May 17 which will feature four discussions on the topics of religion, music and worship in the sacred and secular realms and in the arts. Speakers will include Kilby; award-winning recording artist, composer and music minister Monty Jackson; pianist Elvin Rodriguez, chair, La Sierra University music department; Timothy Gillespie, senior pastor, CrossWalk Church, Redlands; Bailey Gillespie, La Sierra University religion professor and H.M.S. Richards Divinity School dean.
The workshop will be held 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the La Sierra University Alumni Center, 11500 Pierce St., Riverside. Cost for the workshop, which includes certificate and lunch, is $30. Space is limited to 50 participants. Workshop participants will receive VIP seating at the “Eidos” concert on May 16.
For further information and workshop reservations call 951-785-2041 or email
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