Festival of One Acts showcases student talent


RIVERSIDE, Calif. – La Sierra University presents a night of student talent showcased in an evening of one-act plays featuring student directors and actors. 

La Sierra University's drama students put their talent to work in the student-directed and acted "Festival of One Acts."
La Sierra University's drama students put their talent to work in the student-directed and acted "Festival of One Acts."

La Sierra Drama will host the Festival of One Acts at Matheson Hall on Thurs., March 2, Sat., March 4 and Sun., March 5 at 7:30 p.m. The festival will feature “Peer Gynt (Act 1, iii),” by Henrik Ibsen and “Monster Survival Skills During a Gremlin Outbreak,” by D.M. Larson.

“Peer Gynt,” is a 1867 allegorical play that follows the adventures and eventual downfall of a Norwegian farm boy. The specific scene that is being adapted will follow Gynt as he attends a wedding and eventually steals the bride. Ariel Lynch, sophomore film and television major and drama minor, is directing this play. She chose this play because it isn’t popular and would serve as a more surprising experience for the audience, she said. There is also a deeper meaning that requires the audience’s attention. The play will feature student actors Oti Lancu, Bradley Nyberg, Hannah McBride, Luis Bernal, Shannon Taylor, Isaiah Leon, Brendon Wilson, Brittany Lynch, Summer Medina, Zaira Armendariz, Melody Decker, Ketsia Duval, and Esther Elizer.

“Not only do I have a vision, but a mission that extends an invitation of fun and entertainment to my audience,” says Lynch.

“Monster Survival Skills During a Gremlin Outbreak” is directed by Nathan Heinrich, sophomore marketing major and drama minor, and will take place in a classroom where “people” are not what they appear to be. This is Heinrich’s directorial debut. The play will star Sergio Calvillo Aguila, Karina Vianay Valadez, and Aydin Mallery.

La Sierra students were encouraged to audition for lead and extra roles, along with work behind the scenes with costumes, make-up, stage management, and light and sound design. `

Admission is free. The drama program will offer free popcorn and cookies during March 2, 4, and 5 showings. For more information, contact drama@lasierra.edu or call (951)785-2241. La Sierra University is located at 4500 Riverwalk Parkway, Riverside. A campus map is available at https://lasierra.edu/campus-map/.