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NAD President, Education Director Dialog with La Sierra Campus Community
By Larry Becker
Executive Director, University Relations
Dan Jackson, president of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, and Larry Blackmer, division vice president for education, conducted a 90-minute town hall meeting followed by two hours of additional conversation with the La Sierra University faculty and staff on April 20. The two division leaders visited the campus to share their perspectives on a wide range of issues related to the lengthy biology controversy and the recent Adventist Accrediting Association board decision. Their visit also gave them an opportunity to hear the thoughts and concerns of campus faculty, staff, and administration.
Elder Jackson used his brief opening remarks to express his personal regret for what has been at times an excessively hostile tone of media and online comments directed at the university, a theme he returned to several times during the campus conversation. He also reminded the campus community of the importance of continuing to clearly affirm support for church doctrines throughout the curriculum.
During the lengthy dialogue session, many faculty members prefaced their remarks by expressing appreciation to both leaders for their presence on campus. The spirit of the discussion was respectful and heartfelt.
“I'm grateful for the willingness of both Elder Jackson and Elder Blackmer to dialogue candidly with our faculty and staff,” said University President Randal Wisbey. “I believe it was helpful for La Sierra University's people to experience the pastoral care and concern expressed by both of these church leaders.”
PR Contact: Larry Becker
Executive Director of University Relations
La Sierra University
Riverside, California
951.785.2460 (voice)
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