Senior Message


Student Wide

Senior Class Announcement!

Attention Seniors!

ATTN SENIORS! Graduation is fast approaching, and you want to be sure you

are graduating! For those who missed the senior class assembly last



• Make Sure Your Name is on the Official 2011 Graduating List.

o Call Angela Reynolds at Records (951-785-2927) if there are any problems.

• Pick Up Regalia at the Bookstore Starting JUNE 6.

o Pick up your cap and gown at the bookstore on Monday of Dead Week (June

6). Do not try to pick up your stuff on the Friday of Graduation weekend!

You cannot march without the proper attire and they are required for all

commencement events.

• Attend Our Senior-led University Worship & Senior Feed, June 9

o We'll have a free lunch for the graduating seniors after University


• Senior Arrival Times for Graduation Weekend:

Consecration Friday 7pm, Sierra Vista Hall

Baccalaureate Saturday 11am, Sierra Vista Hall

Commencement Sunday 6:45 am, Library Steps

• If You Would Like to order DVDs for Graduation

o Copies of the Commencement DVD's can be purchased from the Bookstore x2193.

• If You Have Questions About Graduation Photographs,

o Contact

• Buy a Senior T-shirt to help fundraise for our two class gifts!!!

o Email <>, your contact info, t-shirt size, and

place to meet.

• Check Your Worship Attendance

o You can miss up to 3 worships, and you can use senior assemblies as

makeups. If there are any problems contact Student Life x2100.

• Make Graduation Invitations

o To get started log on to, click on Graduation, then

College, and then announcements to order your invitations online.

• Loan Exit Counseling

o You must complete your exit loan counseling online or else you will not

be able to receive your diploma. You can type in exit loan counseling on

the La Sierra University webpage search bar or type in this URL directly.

• Graduation Weekend Schedule

Consecration June 17, 8pm La Sierra UniversityC

Baccalaureate June 18, 12pm La Sierra UniversityC

Commencement June 19, 8am Founders Green

If you have any questions please email

Be on the lookout for SENIOR CLASS BEACH VESPERS, and other social events!

Senior Class Officers