Watch the story of Helen Keller unfold on La Sierra University's stage


La Sierra UniversityDrama presents "The Miracle Worker," the inspiring story of Helen Keller. Starts next week!

"The Miracle Worker" opens May 12.
"The Miracle Worker" opens May 12.

May 12, 13, 15 and 16 - ­ Don't miss La Sierra University's dramatic production of "The Miracle Worker," by William Gibson. Watch the poignant and inspiring story of Helen Keller unfold in La Sierra University's first performance of this moving story. Shows are at 8 p.m., Matheson Hall. Tickets are $10. For further information call 951-785-2241 or contact

PR Contact: Larry Becker
Executive Director of University Relations
La Sierra University
Riverside, California
951.785.2460 (voice)