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Administration & Leadership Education & Leadership

Degree Programs

We offer educational administration and leadership degrees on three levels: MA, Ed.S., and Ed.D. See program Descriptions, Prerequisites, or Requirements.

Credential Programs

We offer two administrative credentials: The California Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) and the Seventh-day Adventist Administrator’s Credential.

These programs prepare students to enter the following occupations:

Admission Requirements

For the program admission requirements for M.A., Ed.S., Ed.D., PASC, or combining a degree with a credential, click here.

This web page is for advisory purposes only, and although every attempt is made to ensure its accuracy, readers are directed to the graduate bulletin for official information. The graduate bulletin can be accessed online at

Leading a school or a school district is an exciting challenge. A quality education is essential to the success of our young people and to the prosperity of our nation and our global village. In the department of administration and leadership, we offer a practical, research-based program of study to enhance your ability to lead effectively, achieving greater success in your professional role as an educator and change agent.

Career Opportunities Administration & Leadership

Careers in this area include:
  • School principal
  • Assistant principal
  • Superintendent or associate superintendent of schools
  • School district administrative staff, such as curriculum specialist or student services director
  • University professor of education
  • Educational researcher
  • Writer or editor of educational resources
  • Classroom teacher
  • Administrator in non-educational settings
ProgramTypeUnits to complete beyond Bachelor'sUnits to complete beyond MastersUnits to complete beyond Ed.S.
Master of Arts in Administration & Leadership M.A. 45
Specialist in Education in Administration & Leadership Ed.S. 90 45
Doctor of Education in Administration & Leadership Ed.D. 132 87 42

Fast Facts 

Minimum Program Length1 year
Quarter Units36
Maximum Transfer CreditsUp to 9 quarter units
I work with doctoral students, so I have first-hand knowledge of what is expected at La Sierra versus other universities. I think the quality of education at La Sierra is second to none. It is rigorous, but also very relevant. They bring in real-world applications so we understand how to apply the learning."
Ron Williams, ED.D Administration and Leadership

Graduate Programs Requirements Select School Below

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation GRE Scores Additional
Masters of Arts, MA 3.0 Minimum 2 Letters ( Download Form )Only upon request by School Writing Sample
Masters of Fine Arts, MFA 3.0 Minimum Not required Not Required Portfolio

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation GRE Scores Statement
Masters in Divinity, MDiv 2.5 Minimum Only upon request by School No1 Personal
Masters Theological Studies, MTS 2.5 Minimum Only upon request by School No1 Personal
Masters of Arts, MA 3.0 Minimum Only upon request by School Yes1 Personal

1 - GRE can be required if GPA is below the requirement and upon request of the School

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation GRE Scores Statement* Interview
Master of Arts 3.0 Minimum1Only upon request by School No1 Personal Yes
Master of Arts in Teaching 2.75 Minimum2Only upon request by School No Personal Yes
Credential Program 2.75 Minimum Only upon request by School No Personal Yes
Education Specialist, EDS 3.3 Minimum1Only upon request by School No1 Personal Yes
Doctor of Education, EDD 3.3 Minimum1Only upon request by School No1 Personal Yes
Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership, PHDL 4 3.5 Minimum3Only upon request by School Yes5 Personal Yes

* Personal statement and curriculum vitae are currently being waived for admission by the school of education.

1 GRE scores can be required by department if applying with a GPA below the minimum requirement.
2 CBEST and CSE scores are required prior to acceptance if applying with and undergraduate GPA below 2.75.
3 GPA from Masters level degree.
4 The PhDL program is a selective program with an intake once a year for the fall term. In addition to above items, it also requires evidence of writing and research skills (thesis, or research-based paper), and current Curriculum Vitae.
5 Analytical writing score must be 4.0 or higher.

Transcripts from all post-secondary academic institutions are required.

Program GPA Letters of Recommendation Interview
Master of Business Administration, MBA 3.0 Minimum Only upon request by School1 No
Business Analytics, MBA (Riverside India Cohort) 3.0 Minimum Only upon request by School1 Yes

1 - Two academic letters of recommendation (preferable typed) if GPA is below 3.00
2 - If GPA is below 3.0

Program Descriptions Education & Leadership

Degree Programs

Master of Arts in Administration & Leadership, (M.A.) will focus on the development of effective leadership. Your courses will focus on Historical and contemporary theories and research, Important legal issues that face school teachers, financing schools, and other fascinating topics.

Read more.

The Specialist in Education in Administration & Leadership (Ed.S) program is focused on the pursuit of excellence through support and enhancement of educational leaders. This excellence is fostered through the discovery of meaning and purpose in the development of administrative and leadership skills.

Read more.

The Doctor of Education in Administration and Leadership (Ed.D) degree is designed for astute students with appropriate professional experience beyond those studying at the master's level. The curriculum offers opportunities for educational leaders to develop advanced knowledge, skills and research capabilities. Those completing the program may hold or may be interested in positions of administrative responsibility at the school or district level, in institution of higher learning, or non-school settings.

Read more.

Credential Programs

This credential program focus on the development of competent and ethical leadership. The program of study will offer candidates the opportunity to prepare for administrative credentials through the state of California and/or through the Credentials Office of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Read more.

There are three administrative credential programs that have been designed for staff serving in leadership roles in the education system of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These are known as endorsement programs and involve a range of requirements. The programs are: Principal Endorsement, Supervisor of Instruction Endorsement, and Superintendant of Schools Endorsement. Read more.

Paying for College

The Student Financial Services office is here to help with financial aid processes. The staff also keeps up to date on scholarships that could benefit La Sierra students.

Choosing Classes

First-year students meet with their academic coach/advisor each week for their first two quarters. Then they are assigned an advisor from their major department who will help them choose the classes they need to complete their program.

Beyond Class

A lot of learning takes place outside of the classroom. The Division of Student Life is headquarters for student government, activities, organizations, spiritual life, and much more to enhance your college experience.

Career Advising

We want you to find a good job after you finish your degree at La Sierra. The Career Services, located in the Office of Academic & Career Services, is prepared to guide you through your job search process.

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