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News from the Provost's Office

Most Recent Announcements

Early in summer 2024, Interim President Dick Osborn emailed the campus community a farewell message which included the final draft of a plan written by Dr. David Penner titled “From Contact to Classroom, Enrollment to Graduation.” The gist of that plan can be summed up in two abbreviations stemming from its title: “C2C” and “E2G.”

E2G has now been implemented.

Each school has its own designated advisers, reporting directly to the Dean. Multiple advisers serve the College and are situated near the students they serve, rather than in Sierra Vista Hall. CAS advisers focus on specific departments and their majors, along with one dedicated to Pre-Health advising (for our non-degree-seeking students) and another with particular attention toward HES and student athletes.

Ensuring communication and coordination among the advisers is Kiley Chagnon, Director of SASS (Student Academic Support Services). SASS provides a decentralized “home” for several entities that have been dispersed from the former OACS (Careers, OAS, Testing, the CLC, and the Advisers associated with the College).

It has taken longer to achieve the E2G transformation than Dr. Penner’s plan had anticipated: adviser turnover necessitated new hires, and transitioning several of the positions to salary level was a slower process than expected.

We still have E2G work to do: adjusting non-salaried advisers to a higher pay scale and creating the professional development portion of the E2G proposal. And there may be additional changes in coming months (such as adviser office locations, or transitioning students taking a given major from one adviser to another), all of which should be expected when we pursue a new direction like this.

Important notes:

  • SASS will not be maintaining a front office; instead, students and departments should contact directly the Adviser assigned to them.
  • Career Services and the Office of Ability Services & Testing remain under SASS (location to be determined); please contact:

The Provost's Office welcomes Kaitlyn Satelmayer as its new Executive Coordinator. In this role, Kaitlyn will serve as the "front desk" for the Provost, plan events and coordinate meetings (with a particularly important role in preparing for graduation ceremonies).

Kaitlyn comes to the Provost's Office after 2 years as the Curatorial and Administrative Assistant at the Center for Near Eastern Archaeology. She is almost finished with her master’s degree in Near Eastern Archaeology from La Sierra University, which she will have completed very soon. Her archeological interests include Domestic Religion and the Archaeology of Childhood.

When not working or pursuing archeological activities, Kaitlyn enjoys trying out various new baking recipes (the finished product—you will often find in the office!) and taking evening walks around the neighborhood, which usually involve lots and lots of stops to pet all the cats she comes across.

Her life goals include pursuing a PhD and eventually becoming a professor. She wants to work with students to uncover the past and share the gift of curiosity with others. Her own curiosity blends with her passion for helping others, and she can often be found around the campus.

John Sutter has accepted the position of Associate Director within the University’s Student Academic Support Services (SASS). This role will include responsibility for advising students in most STEM degree programs. 

Sutter’s office is located in PSC 225, which will make him conveniently available to advise students in the following programs:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Pre-Engineering
  • STEM Education

He can be reached at and x2480. Students can book an appointment with John at:

John first came to La Sierra as a student in 2007, ultimately earning a degree in Psychology.  After graduating in 2013, John joined the La Sierra staff as an Academic Coach.

Within OACS John has served as Adviser and Lead Adviser, as Assistant Director for First Year Experience, and most recently as Assistant Director for Testing and Application Administration. He was involved in activities arising from La Sierra’s involvement in AVID for Higher Education, sponsored by our first Title V grant; Title V experiences included attending the 2017 AVID Summer Institute and serving on the La Sierra AVID for Higher Education Committee.

La Sierra has begun awarding badges. Badges area a form of microcredential that recognize students' academic and co-curricular accomplishments. They benefit students by displaying skill sets they have developed.

Click here to view La Sierra's six badges: La Sierra Badges.

La Sierra's Title V Grant Project Director Marvin Payne has submitted a report on the ninth year of grant activity. Three grants are currently active:

  • Guided Pathways (which will be completed in 2024-25)
  • STEM Teacher Training (nearing the end of Year 3)
  • Sustainability Program (still in its first year)

Highlights of the 2023-24 report include:

STEM Guided Pathways

80 students participated in the Pathways program, which provides additional support for STEM students. 21 STEM-focused events were sponsored, addressing topics such as career / alumni talks, internship information sessions, and networking events.

STEM Bridge

23 students participated in a two-week event in September 2023 that introduced them to campus resources, reviewed math skills, and surveyed scientific research methods.


Eight students from local high schools experienced this program in June 2024. Students began the day with either in a biology lab with Dr. Nate Sutter or a chemistry lab with Dr. Natasha Dean. After lunch, students pursued other learning opportunities, ranging from First Aid certification to study of Robotics or Natural History.

STEM Education

The grant projects provided seminars guiding students toward success in the Cal TPA, one of the final hurdles for students seeking teacher credentialing.


Besides sponsoring the inaugural Sustainability Speaker Series (with Arizona State University's Dr. Joni Adamson), two new faculty have been hired to develop the University's sustainability program.

I am pleased to announce the selection of Dr Sam McBride as Associate Provost as of July 1, 2024. 

Sam McBride joined the La Sierra English Department faculty in 2007, after teaching for 18 years with DeVry University (Pomona). Besides teaching English classes, he oversaw the Basic English program and started the Writing Center. In 2013, CAS Dean Adeny Schmidt asked Sam to take on the half-time role of Associate Dean of the College. 

A few years later, La Sierra received its first Title V grant as an Hispanic-serving institution; McBride was asked to serve as Project Director for the first grant, overseeing development in Basic Skills Math and English, tutoring, and faculty development programs in conjunction with AVID for Higher Education. He was then appointed Dean of General Education and later Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, where he has served the last four years. 

McBride's research focuses on the lives and writings of C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien; his most recent book, Middle-earth Metaphysics, examines the activities of divine beings in Tolkien's legendarium. When not at work, Sam adds to his stamp collection while listening to opera.

A search for an interim dean is currently underway and a national search for a permanent Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences will commence soon. 

Please join me in congratulating Dr Sam McBride for his new role as Associate Provost for La Sierra University. 

I am pleased to announce the launch of our university's new sustainability program, showcasing our dedication to environmental stewardship and creating a sustainable future. La Sierra University's Program in Sustainability Studies is designed to nurture enduring and sustainable connections among society, the economy, and the environment, both on our campus and in the broader community. Our focus is on generating lasting benefits for present and future generations.

Central to the Program in Sustainability Studies is our commitment to preparing graduates who can effectively tackle practical issues in various fields, including agriculture, food science, global studies, agricultural entrepreneurship, and sustainability science. This program adopts a holistic, interdisciplinary approach, integrating the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences. This approach empowers students to develop innovative solutions for complex global challenges affecting the environment and society. Guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Program in Sustainability Studies aims to cultivate leadership and social responsibility among students. The program will encourage deep engagement with critical issues such as climate change, inequality, and the challenges a growing global population poses.

As we embark on this transformative journey together, I invite each of you to join us. Together, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for future generations.

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