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School of Psychology & Counseling Behavioral Health

Career Opportunities

Careers in these areas include the following:

  • Behavioral Analysts (Board Certified)
  • School Counselors (PPS in School Counseling)
  • School Psychologists (PPS in School Psycholoogy)
  • Educational Psychologist (BBS Licensure)
  • Professional Clinical Counselors (BBS Licensure)
  • Marriage and Family Therapists (BBS Licensure)
  • Sports Psychologist 
  • Researchers 

Degree Programs MA

This is an elective program, which may stand alone as a M.A. in Counseling degree (with an option to work towards becoming a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor) or be used to work towards an Ed.S. in School Psychology and fulfill the first year of this two year program (with an option to work towards becoming a School Psychologist with a PPS Credential in School Psychology). If wanting to work towards a PPS in School Counseling at the master’s level, the University has a collaboration with the University of California at Riverside (i.e., the extension program) to assist in this process. This report discusses just the M.A. in Counseling as a stand-alone degree. Read more.

Course Schedule

This is a M.A. in Counseling degree with an option to work towards becoming a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) through the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS). Read more.

Course Schedule


A one-year, full-time (part-time optional), 51 quarter-credit-hour program. MA-Counseling in Forensic Mental Health Counseling is for students who wish to provide mental health services in forensic or legal settings. The program provides the foundation for the California Professional Clinical Counseling (LPCC) with additional courses (18 Units + 33 Practicum Units).

Aim of Program

Training professional counselors who assess, treat, and apply counseling in forensic, juvenile, and correctional settings; providing students with knowledge and skills for culturally relevant clinical diagnosis and treatment.


FIRST YEAR (51 Required for MA Degree)

MA Core (9 units):

RSCH 504     Methods and Materials of Research (3)

EDCI 512       Perspectives in Faith and Learning (3)
EDAD 524     Organization & Leadership (3


Counseling & Mental Health Courses (24 Units):
EDPC 561     Counseling Theory & Technique (3)
EDPC 573     Psychology & Counseling Ethics& Law (3
EDPC 694    Individual & Cultural Differences (3)
EDPC 564    Group Theory and Procedures (3)
EDPC 666    Intervention Methods & Consultation (3)
EDPC 562    Counseling Practicum (3)

Forensic/Correctional Counseling Specialization Courses (18 Units)
EDPC 511      Mental Health and Counseling in Legal System (3)

EDPC 512     Psychology of Criminal Behavior (3)

EDPC 607     Dynamics of Personality (3)

EDPC 610     Human Sexuality (3)
EDPC 615     Child, Partner & Elder Abuse and Trauma (3)

EDPC 655     Advanced Counseling Theories (3)

EDPC 715     Alcohol & Drugs (3)

EDPC 631     Psychopathology (3)

SECOND YEAR FOR LPCC (51; Optional - Required for LPCC)

Content-based Courses (18 Units)

EDPC 504    Standardized Testing & Evaluation (3)
EDPC 524     Lifespan Development (3)

EDPC 554     Educations and Career Planning (3)

EDPC 620     Marriage Family Systems Intervention I (3)

EDPC 621     Marriage Family Systems Intervention II (3)

EDPC 645    Psychopharmacology (3)

Practicum Courses for LPCC Clinical License (33 units)

EDPC 562   Counseling Practicum (6)
Mental Health Practicum & Fieldwork Courses (27)

Degree Programs EDS, EDD, & PHD

This is an elective program, which will assist a person in working towards becoming a researcher and/or teacher at higher educational and research institutions. Read more.

This is an elective program, which will assist a person in working towards becoming a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) through the Board of Behavioral Sciences in California. Read more.

This is an elective program, which will give a person on option on becoming a credentialed school psychologist through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). Read more.

This is an elective program, which will give a person on option on becoming a credentialed school psychologist through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTS) as well as a credentialed behavioral analyst through the Behavioral Analyst Certification Board (BACB). Read more.

This degree is a non-credential elective program which provides advanced preparation for educational generalists, teachers in all disciplines, administrators, college instructors who are desiring a professional educational background, and especially to practitioners aspiring toward clinical and/or research applications. Read more.
This degree provides all the elements specified by the state of California for the Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential with an authorization in school psychology. Read more.

Credential Program PPS

This program provides the courses required by the state of California for the PPS Credential with an authorization in school psychology.
Read more.

Certifications, Credentials, & Licensures

Our programs meet the requirements to pursue one board certification (behavioral analysis), two PPS credentials (school counseling and school psychology), and two licensures (professional clinical counseling & marraige and family therapy).

Amazing Flexibility Regarding Degrees

Already have a master's degree? No problem. We can fold many of the specializations noted above into even more advanced degrees such as EdS or an EdD degree. This gives you more options than having two master degrees. 

Generous Graduate Course Transfer Policy

If your previous graduate coursework is not outdated, courses are a direct match with ours, and your courses are encapsulated within another graduate degree, we can almost always accept those transfers with rare exceptions. Even if not encapsulated within another degree, it still may be possible to take in three graduate coruses per degree. 

Increased Marketability in a Competitive Market

The courses between the programs overlap considerably. Want to be able to work towards obtaining two licenses? The coursework for professional clinical counseling and marriagea and family therapy are identical. Take a few more classes and add a school counseling specialization to a professional clinical counselor or marriage and family emphasis. 

La Sierra University was much different than previous graduate programs and colleges I had attended. My time spent at La Sierra University gave me more than professional success; it added personal fulfillment and growth."
Paige Sautner, ED.S., School Psychology

Contact US

School Pyschology, School Counseling & BCBA 



Mental Health: LMFT/LPCC


Sports Psychology 


Office hours

Monday - Thursday

Course Schedules

Paying for College

The Student Financial Services office is here to help with financial aid processes. The staff also keeps up to date on scholarships that could benefit La Sierra students.

Choosing Classes

First-year students meet with their academic coach/advisor each week for their first two quarters. Then they are assigned an advisor from their major department who will help them choose the classes they need to complete their program.

Beyond Class

A lot of learning takes place outside of the classroom. The Division of Student Life is headquarters for student government, activities, organizations, spiritual life, and much more to enhance your college experience.

Career Advising

We want you to find a good job after you finish your degree at La Sierra. The Career Services, located in the Office of Academic & Career Services, is prepared to guide you through your job search process.

Get to Know Us

About Us

Contact and Location
(800) 874-5587 x2335
School of Education

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