About the Department

The La Sierra University HMS Richards Divinity School, a theological school within the system of Seventh-day Adventist higher education, seeks to integrate believing, thinking, and acting through teaching, scholarship, dialogue, and service, preparing Christian leaders for effective ministries in the church, academy, and world in which we live.


We see ourselves as an open community of learning and service, conviction and hospitality, solidarity and diversity, where faith seeks both understanding and transformation.

Our vision is to be attentive to the calling of Jesus Christ to present truth,* while not forgetting how God has led us in our past history,* and ever listening and reaching out through the empowering of the Spirit to a changing church and world.

We seek to form leaders who will be both effective and winsome spokespersons for the gospel, and capable of courageously standing for the right though the heavens fall.* We seek collaborations with congregations and partner institutions where conversations can deepen our service in God’s cause in the world.