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Steps to Completion of MAT Degree
Sequence of Steps to Completion of MAT Degree
- Obtain TB clearance within 2 years
- Obtain CTC fingerprint clearance
- Complete pre-requisite classes
- Successfully complete:
- CBEST or equivalent
- Apply to Teacher Education Program
- Completion of all MAT coursework (3.0 GPA). No grade lower than a B- accepted.
- Six hours minimum of Mentor Teacher expertise in single subject (for single subject candidates only)
- Obtain CPR clearance for infant, child and adult
- Successfully complete:
- RICA (if applicable)
- Apply to Student Teaching
- 14 weeks of student teaching and minimum of 600 hours of fieldwork signed off by supervisor
- TPA cycles 1 and 2
- Portfolio presentation
- Exit interview (student responsible to show they met and completed all hours of fieldwork required)
- Apply for state credential with the Credential Analyst
- Obtain admission to Candidacy and Graduation. Submit applications to department secretary to be voted at departmental meeting and reported to Graduate Committee
- Complete Department Exit Survey
- Pick up regalia at university bookstore
- Attend graduation events and special ceremony for education students
- Once all grades are in for all classes contact department secretary to submit degree completion form so degree can be processed
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Contact US
Curriculum & Instruction
(951) 785-2484
Fax: (951) 785-2205
Office hours
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM