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Students Right to Know

The La Sierra University Campus Safety & Security Patrol (CSSP) has prepared this document to advise present students, prospective students, and employees of policies and procedures, in relationship to campus crime in the community. It is the hope of the University and the CSSP that an informed public will make this institution a safe place for all that become a part of the University family. 

The CSSP is a Security Department. The Department operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and safeguards the campus communities, which include a property, and the integrity of all its facilities. The responsibilities of the CSSP include, but are not limited to the following: fire prevention and detection, traffic control, opening and closing of campus buildings, the maintenance of campus peace and order, through aid in the enforcement of state and local laws and University policies, and providing crime prevention programs (described later in this brochure) throughout the year.

Also included in our department responsibilities is the creation of the Annual Security Report as mandated by the Department of Education and The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. View this Annual Security Report online. A paper copy of this report is always available at the CSSP Department Office. The CSSP’s arrest authority comes from the California Penal Code, Section 837. The Department is under the auspices of Student Life and reports to its Vice President.

Download the Campus Safety & Security Patrol Student Right to Know or read it below.

Access to the facilities of La Sierra University is granted to all students, faculty, staff, and authorized guests, during the day and evening hours, when classes are in session. Buildings on access control will be accessible to current students with a University ID card until 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and Friday until 3 p.m. Weekends are by request. Students will not have access from Friday afternoon through Sunday. All requests for after-hours or weekend access must be in writing to The Dean of Students must approve in writing any over-night requests (between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.).

All residence hall doors are University ID card access only.

The University reserves the right to revoke access, without prior notice, to the facilities being occupied at any time. Access to a specific area is limited to specific people with proper authorization—in the form of written permission or oral permission from the proper personnel. All students and employees are required to carry on their person a University Identification Card issued by the Office of Student Life, or the Office of CSSP, and should present identification when requested by CSSP Personnel.

All students, employees, and guests, with a vehicle, must register online or with CSSP in person. Parking permits allow individuals with registered vehicles to park in their designated lots. For further information, regarding parking policies, please refer to the Parking Policies. You can also consult the student, faculty, and staff handbooks under the section “Campus Vehicle Code.” Individuals can also access the FAQ located at the Online Parking System.

All environmental hazards should be reported to the Physical Plant Department, by promptly notifying them of improvements that need attention, such as campus lighting, parking lots, and campus facilities that affect the safety and security of the University community.

Know the facts about rape

  • Rape is a violent crime—a hostile attack—an attempt to hurt and humiliate. It is NOT the result of “uncontrolled passions.”
  • Rape is one of the most underreported crimes. Most rapists continue, until caught.
  • Rapists are not necessarily strangers. In fact, in over one-third of reported cases, the rapist is an acquaintance, neighbor, friend, or relative of the victim.
  • Rape can happen to ANYONE.


  • Become aware of locations and situations where rape might occur and avoid them, if possible.
  • Consider your alternatives if confronted by a rapist. BEPREPARED: know your options ahead of time. Your safety may depend upon your ability to stay cool and calm.
  • Be alert of your surroundings and the people around you, especially if you are alone or it is dark.
  • Whenever possible, travel with a friend.
  • Walk confidently, directly, and at a steady pace, on the side of the street facing traffic. A rapist looks for someone that appears vulnerable.
  • Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes, and alleys where rapists can hide.
  • If you think you are being followed, walk quickly to areas where there are lights and people.
  • If you are in danger, scream and run, or yell “fire.”
  • View a list of registered sex offenders in your area


  • Carrying weapons for self-defense is controversial and sometimes illegal. BE SAFE—for more information on the use of weapons and for classes in weaponless-defense and other topics, contact the CSSP.

If you are sexually assaulted

  • Immediately tell someone of the attack. The sooner the report, the greater the chances the attacker will be caught.
  • Do not shower or change clothes. Do not disturb anything at the scene of the attack. Evidence could be destroyed.
  • Contact the CSSP as soon as you can. The Department will assist you in notifying law enforcement, hospitals, and counseling services, if requested.
  • REMEMBER, you are the victim. You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about.

La Sierra University will make the community aware of any reported rapes or sexual assaults on campus. The University, by law, must report to the government the number of sexual assaults that occur on campus each year. In the case of a rape, the location of the incident will be made known, in order to determine if the area itself is hazardous and needs attention from Physical Plant, or an increase in security presence. If, for reasons of safety, the University community is to be made aware of the assault, the victim’s identity will remain confidential.

To assist students and employees in promoting the awareness of sexual assaults, La Sierra University, with the assistance of the Counseling Center, provides educational programs annually and as requested by departments and residence halls. For a description of sexual assault programs, please contact the counseling center at La Sierra University Convenience Center, Suite B, or by dialing (951) 785-2011 from an outside line, or by campus telephone at Extension 2011. For a more complete explanation of the University’s policy regarding sexual assault, please refer to the University Student and Employee Handbooks.

Sexual Assault & Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) Policies and Educational Program Members of the La Sierra University community have the right to appropriate, affirming, and respectful behavior in their personal interactions with other members of the community. Disrespectful actions, regardless of how minor and especially, those based on gender are abhorrent to the University and are considered to be totally out of place on the University campus. To this end, it is the policy of La Sierra University to ensure, in great earnest, that any student, faculty, or staff member that is a victim of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking committed on the campus shall receive treatment, support, and information in order to encourage victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking to make full use of these provisions. The term sexual assault covers a wide range of crimes including, but no limited to, rape, forced sodomy, forced oral copulation, rape by a foreign object, or sexual battery. California law (Penal Code 261) defines rape as an act of nonconsensual sexual intercourse, accomplished with a person that involves the use of force, violence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the person or another, where a person is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating anesthetic, controlled substance, mental disorder or physical disability. The definition of rape does not take into consideration whether the perpetrator is a stranger, acquaintance, or friend. Section 485(f)(6)(A) specifies that, for the purposes of the Clery Act, the terms domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking have the same meaning as in section 40002(a) of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA). Section 40002(a) defines domestic violence to mean, “A felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed: by a current or former spouse of the victim; by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common; by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse; by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies [under VAWA]; or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.” Section 40002(a) defines dating violence to mean, “Violence committed by a person: who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: the length of the relationship; the type of relationship; and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.” Section 40002(a) defines stalking to mean, “Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to: fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress.” The University will not tolerate sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking, whether directed at males or females or whether committed by a stranger or an acquaintance. A person that is charged with committing any of these offenses can be prosecuted under California criminal and civil statutes and disciplined according to the protocol established within the University student, faculty, and staff handbooks. Both the accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a disciplinary proceeding and will be informed of the University’s final determination of any school disciplinary proceeding, with respect to the alleged sex offense and any sanction that is imposed against the accused. The University has a responsibility to address the needs of the victim, as well as an obligation to protect its members of the campus from potential sexual assaults. Any change to accommodate a victim’s change of living or academic situation will be made, if requested by the victim and the accommodations are available. Referrals for treatment will be made and ongoing supports will be offered to victims of sexual assault. To protect the privacy of the victim, confidentiality regarding the name of the victim will be maintained.
All people that have been convicted of sexual offenses must report to the Dean of Student's Office and the Chief of CSSP prior to going anywhere else on campus.

Policy of Firearms, Explosives, and other Weapons

Possession, use, or transportation of firearms or “deadly weapons” by any person, other than a peace officer, is prohibited on the property of La Sierra University and its owned facilities. According to the California Penal Code, Section 626.9(b), any person, that brings or possesses a firearm upon the grounds of, or within, a private institution, is guilty of a felony, which is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for up to three years. Illegal knives, switchblades, and other blades, which violate California state law, are prohibited. BB guns, pellet rifles, and other weapons, which propel projectiles, are also prohibited and are not allowed on campus. The state law, as well as La Sierra University, prohibits the bringing of firecrackers or explosive materials of any kind onto any part of the campus or into the buildings. This includes combustibles in containers, such as gasoline cans. If necessary, recreational items may be stored at appropriate facilities, with the expressed permission of the facility manager. Violation of this policy by any member of the University community will result in confiscation of the item and may result in disciplinary action and, if appropriate, a referral to law enforcement agencies for prosecution.

Alcohol and Drug Free Worksite Policy and Educational Program

La Sierra University is dedicated to the wholeness of a person. As such, it is committed to provide a learning environment conducive to the fullest possible human development. To achieve this goal, the University holds that a drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free lifestyle is essential and thus maintains policies that seek a campus environment that is free of these substances. Violations of federal, state, or local laws make a student subject, not only to University disciplinary action, but also to action by the appropriate court of law. The University’s disciplinary procedures do not replace civil law or make students immune from legal or judicial process. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or use of controlled substances by its employees; whether faculty, staff, or students, is prohibited. Further, the University expects any person employed by the University, who receives federal or state funding as an individual, to certify that he or she will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, while associated with the University. The University reserves the right to investigate employees or students where reasonable suspicion exists of drug or alcohol involvement. This includes the right to search an office, locker, on-campus vehicle, residence hall room or University housing, and the right to require an appropriate drug test and confirmation by a retest. If a search is to be made, it must be authorized by the Residence Hall Director, University Housing Director, Dean of a School, a Vice President, or President of the University. The entire process of drug investigation will be treated with confidentiality. To assist students and employees in the development and awareness of the risks involved in substance abuse, and to promote the benefits of a lifestyle free from alcohol and drugs La Sierra University, with the assistance of the schools, and worksite departments provides educational programs annually and as requested. The University, at its discretion, may provide counseling for students and employees, who, because of abuse of these substances, have impaired function within the University community. For a description of any drug or alcohol abuse education programs, please contact the Counseling Center at La Sierra University Convenience Center, Suite B, or by calling (951) 785-2011 from an outside line, or Extension 2011 by campus telephone.

La Sierra University's Alcohol Prevention Programs

All incoming freshman are required to attend a freshman orientation, IGNITE, whereby they spend two-and a half days better understanding the values of the university, the Student Life policies, and rationale for value-driven academics.  There are two different ways in which we talk about Alcohol Prevention:  a 50-minute workshop with invited speaker and Counseling Service personnel and during their family group time students talk about at risk-behaviors and play a number of activities.  (see IGNITE website)

Student-athletes are also required to attend an Athletic Retreat (3-day) and within the retreat there is a 50-minute workshop that shares with the athletes our policies as well as our rationale for the policies. 

In compliance with:

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

  • Penalties associated with drug related offenses
  • Links to 2 most recent program disclosures / distribution
  • Biennial review 

[HEA Sec. 120, 34 C.F.R. Part 86]

Crime prevention and educational programs

The CSSP commits itself, as part of the University’s mission, to educate and inform the University community on a number of issues in relation to crime and safety. Therefore, CSSP retains professionally trained personnel; which includes the Security Chief, with Peace Officer’s Standards and Training, and security training seminars for its entire staff throughout the year. The University, with the assistance of CSSP, provides crime prevention programs at orientations annually and as requested throughout the year. The crime prevention program provides students and employees with the goal to eliminate or minimize criminal activity, whenever possible, and encouraging the University community to be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. The following is a listing of the department’s crime prevention programs.  

  • Escort Service:  Campus Security makes available escort services to employees, student, and visitors, provided their destination is from one University facility to another.
  • Alarm System:  The department monitors on-site intrusion alarms with motion detectors. Off-site monitoring for fire, panic alarms, and intrusion in campus buildings notify the Campus Safety and Security Department when alarms are set off. 
  • Presentations: Many crime prevention presentations are made throughout the year at orientations, student assemblies, and classroom settings. Topics addressed are residence hall security, theft prevention for modes of transportation, fire prevention, First Aid and CPR training, personal safety, and a common awareness as to suspicious activities and persons.
  • Crime Prevention Materials:  Crime awareness e-mails are sent campus-wide, throughout the school year. Also, brochures containing important information and strategies, pertaining to crimes and ways in which to prevent these crimes, are available at the Department of CSSP under Personal Safety Tips
  • At anytime, anyone can view the Security web page for crimes that have taken place on campus, which are updated regularly at the Statistics and Reports page under Crime Statistics.
  • La Sierra University CSSP is a participant in the RAVE Emergency Notification System, which will send a text message or email to students and staff, informing of emergency situations. It will only be used for real emergencies and any current staff, faculty, or student can sign up, via the web, for free at the RAVE Emergency Notification System webpage.

Local Police Reporting and Recording of Criminal Activity on Campus and Off-Campus Housing and Student Organizations

The La Sierra University Patrol maintains a working relationship with local law enforcement agencies and elements of the criminal justice system. All incidents of crime**, including off-campus housing for residents, reported to the Department are forwarded to the Riverside Police Department on a case-by-case basis. At present the University does not retain off-campus housing for student organizations. All individuals reporting a crime on campus are encouraged to file a police report with the Riverside Police Department (RPD). They can do this via the RPD non-emergency Report Line, (951) 826-5314 or online via the RPD online reporting portal.

Reporting a Crime oR Emergency

All reports of suspicious activity, emergencies, or crimes-in-progress should be reported to CSSP by dialing Extension 2222 or 3333 or dialing (951) 785-2222 from an outside line. There are on-campus telephones, located inside University facilities throughout the campus. University employees, who are responsible for student and campus activities, are required to report any crime which occurs on campus. This includes crimes, which are required to be reported in the annual Student Right To Know and Campus Security Act of 1990. All crimes should be reported accurately and in a timely manner.

The University Patrol stresses the importance that each member of the University should report any incident of a suspicious nature or crime promptly and accurately. This enables the department to provide appropriate service and accurate reports to the University community. Depending on the type of incident, individuals may also be advised to report their incident with the Riverside Police Department (RPD) via their emergency phone number, 911; via the RPD non-emergency Report Line, (951) 826-5314; or online.


**The Department, by policy, is required to report to the Riverside Police Department all crimes, which occur on the property of La Sierra University, that are classified as being a felony, or any crime in which an arrest of the person(s) suspected of committing the crime is made.
In addition, by mandate of California law AB 1433, we must ensure that all reports of violent crime, hate crime, or sexual assault made to the CSSP are immediately forwarded to the Riverside Police Department. (Ed.Code, 67383, sibd.(a).)

Contact Us

CSSP 24-hour Dispatch 
 (951) 785-2222

(951) 785-5222


Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Office Location

Convenience Center
Suite FF

License Plate Recognition (LPR) Entrances

Status of License Plate Recognition (LPR) at Perimeter Entrances

  • Heritage Way North (North Pierce Street) / Sierra Vista Avenue = Operational
  • Raley Drive = Operational
  • Quiet Lane = Operational

*Note: If the LPR system is not operational at one of the entrances you will see a message letting you know that the entrance is down for maintenance.

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