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News 2019 La Sierra University
La Sierra’s athletics teams uplift others with holiday outreach
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- La Sierra University’s Golden Eagles student-athletes took time out from studies, practice sessions and games to help others this…
Prof’s temple excavation uncovers rare ancient altar inscription
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- They found it back in 2010, a cylinder-shaped stone object partially immersed in the earth of an early temple site in Jordan.…
Fifth TEDxLaSierraUniversity inspires with ‘Through it All’ theme
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- La Sierra University’s Troesh Conference Center, filled with more than 380 community and university members and regional high…
Candlelight Concert to celebrate the season with 72nd annual performance
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – La Sierra University’s Department of Music will enter the holiday season with a 72nd performance of its long-running and cherished…
Mozart’s favorite piano in performance at La Sierra University
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- Period Piano Collection in Redlands will host Vienna-based pianist Daniel Adam Maltz performing on Mozart’s favorite piano at La…
Archaeology weekend offers family adventures, insights into ancient Galilee
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Dig for artifacts, make mosaics, spin yarn, mix ancient cosmetics, take photos in Bedouin attire – these and other adventures in…
Los Angeles saxophonist Manning to play Troesh Conference Center
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – ( A long-running music series at La Sierra University will feature this month the talents of Los Angeles…
Biology grad lands National Cancer Institute research training post
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- Jennifer Yoo was one of the lucky ones. At age five, the diagnosis of a rare illness by an insightful physician saved her from…
Wind Ensemble’s new director Brennan, LLA guest conductor to lead fall concert
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- The La Sierra University Wind Ensemble returns to the stage Saturday, Nov. 9 under the direction of Dr. David Brennan and…
TEDxLaSierraUniversity returns November 8!
TEDxLaSierraUniversity returns Friday, Nov. 8 for its fifth year, inspiring audiences with presentations under the theme, "Through it All."
NBA great Bill Walton relays gratitude, lessons learned at fundraising gala
RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- NBA Hall of Famer and ESPN commentator Bill Walton has said that his greatest accomplishment in life was overcoming a…
Inaugural Christian ethics lecture to feature theologian, missionary Stephen Judd
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – A new lecture series established in memoriam of esteemed La Sierra University religion professor Dr. Charles Teel will feature a…
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Darla Martin Tucker
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