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Pre-Health Programs
Degree Required Track
Many students who are thinking of going into medical school or another health related graduate school program choose a science major. However you can major in whatever you would like as long as you meet the prerequisites for your graduate program. Here is of prerequisites for each program and list of common majors La Sierra University students choose:
Pre-Dentistry/Pre-Medicine/Pre-Optometry/Pre-Veterinary (Degree Required)
Common Majors
Pre-Physical Therapy/Pre-Occupational Therapy/Pre-Physican Assistant (Degree Required)
Common Majors
Curriculum Sheets for our Degree Seeking Programs
Non-Degree Required Track
La Sierra University offers classes that cover the prerequisites needed to enter programs in allied health or other programs that do not require a bachelor's degree. As a student here you would not graduate with a degree, but finish your required classes and then transfer. The list below are programs you can prepare for here.
Pre-Pharmacy (Degree Not Required, but encouraged)
Common Majors
Curriculum Sheets for our Non-Degree Seeking Programs
Pre-Health Completion Ceremony
Our non degree seeking and degree seeking students who are complete with thir pre-health program are honored every year during our Pre-Health Completion Ceremony. This marks the next step toward their health profession.