Humans of La Sierra: Taylor Armstrong

  Humans of La Sierra  

Hey y’all! I’m a senior who just finished this past winter quarter, and as finals week was upon us and I started hearing about schools closing, I got really excited about finishing my college experience by taking finals at home and being able to sleep in and all of that. As the week went on and reality set in that La Sierra was in fact shutting down until the end of April and then for the rest of the year, it started to dawn on me how serious this actually was.

Because I was already finished, I knew this wasn’t going to affect me in terms of school work, which I was very grateful for, but my other plans were now completely up in the air. I had planned to volunteer at the Loma Linda Children’s Hospital to prepare for grad school there, but they suspended all volunteering. I was planning to go and find a job but with a 2 year old nephew at home, we were all worried about me bringing something home to him. So for the past month, I’ve been sitting at home trying to catch up on sleep, reading a lot, and trying to find things to do. There’s only so much Netflix you can watch before you’re absolutely bored of it, and that didn’t take very long. 

Soon after I finished, I found myself not getting much sleep at night. I was wide awake at 3 and 4 am after laying in bed for hours completely exhausted but not able to sleep. Being able to go see my friends and hang out was something I had planned to do this quarter but now everyone is home and quarantined. The hardest thing about all of this is graduation being up in the air. 

Graduation is something I’ve been looking forward to for a long time now. Though I took 2 years off during my college career, I started school in 2013, and I couldn’t wait to graduate. Now I don’t know if I’ll get that chance. But! One thing I love about this quarantine is that I get to spend more time with my nephew. He just learned how to open the doors in our house so he is usually the one to wake me up in the morning when he climbs on my bed with a big smile and asks if I’m okay. This quarantine has taught me to appreciate what and who you have in your life. I miss you all. I can’t wait until I can come back and hang out with you in the student center. 

Sincerely Your Friendly Student Center Monitor,

Taylor Armstrong C/o 2020