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Anjali Sharma
Anjali Sharma
Assistant Professor in the Sustainability Studies Program
- Diploma in GIS and remote sensing, May 2021 – Oct 2021
- Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences (Advisor: Dr. Aavudai Anandhi), Florida Agriculture and Mechanical
University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA Mar 2021
Anjali Sharma is an Assistant Professor in the Sustainability Program. She enjoys teaching, research and exploring creative pursuits, such as writing and painting, and her kitchen is often her lab to try out new sustainable food practices. She is originally from India, where her journey into sustainability began during her Master's studies and first became aware of the serious environmental challenges facing our planet. But it was during her Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences at Florida A&M University (FAMU) that she started to dive deeper into the complexities of climate change and its far-reaching impacts, especially on our natural resources. She is excited to collaborate with students and faculty to develop innovative sustainability projects at La Sierra University that can serve as models for other institutions.
- Awarded the National Technical Association Scholarship for conference at Coppin’s
State University 2019 - Won 3rd prize in 3MT poster competition in Florida A&M University 2019
- National Technical Association Scholarship for conference at Hampton 2018
- 2nd place in Florida ASABE Graduate Student Presentation Competition 2018
- 5th place in a Climate Change two minutes video clip competition 2018
Representative Publications
Sharma A., and Anandhi A., 2021. Temperature based indicators to develop adaptive responses for
crop production in Florida, USA, Ecological Indicators, 121, pp.1-15.Sharma A., Deepa R., Sanker S., Pryor M., Stewart B., Johnson E., and Anandhi A., 2021. Use of growing
degree indicator for developing adaptive responses: A case study of cotton in Florida, Ecological
Indicators, 124, pp.1-11.Bhardwaj, A., Kumar V., Sharma A., Sinha T., Singh, S.P., 2021. Application of multimodel
superensemble technique on the TIGGE suite of operational models. Geomatics, 1(1), 81-91.Anandhi A., Sharma A., and Sylvester S., 2018. Can meta‐analysis be used as a decision-making tool for
developing scenarios and causal chains in eco‐hydrological systems? Case study in Florida. Ecohydrology,
11, pp.1-17.Alam M.S., Pathania S., and Sharma A., 2016. Optimization of the extrusion process for development of
high fibre soybean-rice ready-to-eat snacks using carrot pomace and cauliflower trimmings. LWT-Food
Science and Technology, 74, pp.135-144.Alam M.S., Pathania S., Kumar S., and Sharma A., 2015. Studies on storage stability of carrot pomace-
chickpea incorporated rice-based snacks. Agricultural Research Journal, 52(4), pp.73-79.Sharma A., et al., 2022. Floral-Hybrid Decision support system for the agricultural crops impacted by
climate change in Florida. DSS, (Submitted).