News 2018 La Sierra University


Public Safety Information Notice: Email Scam

On Thursday, December 13, 2018, members of the La Sierra University community reported receiving a fraudulent email scam relating to Bitcoin. This…

Religious studies major Gregory Jhanapin tries out a virtual reality video game in the university's new VR+AI Lab.

New lab lets La Sierra students explore virtual reality, AI careers

RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- La Sierra University computer science majors and other students now have an opportunity to prepare for careers in virtual reality…

Drs. April Summitt and Lowell Smith were interviewed this year in two different PBS documentary series that aired nationwide. (Photos: Natan Vigna)

PBS taps La Sierra’s faculty for documentaries

RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- Two La Sierra University faculty members appeared in unrelated PBS productions in past months speaking on the history of the…

A scene from last year’s 70th Candlelight Concert performed at the La Sierra University Church. (Photo: Natan Vigna)

La Sierra University to ring in season with 71st Candlelight Concert

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – In keeping with its time-honored tradition, La Sierra University will celebrate the start of the holiday season with the 71st…

Liz Sandifer and Nick Waaland as Rebecca and James in Michelle Noland's, "She Isn't Here."

La Sierra film student’s PBS, NAD projects aim for positive impact

RIVERSIDE, Calf. -- Michelle Noland, a senior La Sierra University Film and Television Production major recently launched into the world of…

Woodwind great Charles Owens will serve as featured artist for the next Pierce Street Jazz concert on Nov. 14. (Photo courtesy of the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music)

Noted L.A. woodwind musician to perform at Troesh

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Woodwind artist, saxophone great and university lecturer Charles Owens will take center stage for the November performance of a…

The La Sierra University Wind Ensemble under direction of Giovanni Santos will present a fall concert themed "Songs and Dances" and featuring alto saxophonist Andrew Harrison. (Photo: Natan Vigna)

Wind Ensemble to perform “Songs and Dances,” showcase saxophonist Harrison

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – The La Sierra University Wind Ensemble under Director Giovanni Santos will present a fall concert featuring the works of seven…

Tall al-'Umayri, a Madaba Plains Project excavation site initiated in 1984, lies outside of Amman, Jordan. (Photo courtesy APAAME Robert Bewley)

10th Archaeology Discovery Weekend celebrates 50 years of Jordan excavations

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – For 50 years, La Sierra University archaeologists and those from other schools have led multi-institution excavations in Central…


La Sierra University Drama presents "Bee-Luther-Hatchee"

La Sierra University Drama presents "Bee-Luther-Hatchee," a play by Thomas Gibbons published in 2002 that explores the boundaries of…


Riverside, Orange County musicians join forces in “The Planets”

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – In a show of musical might, musicians from three organizations will converge on stage at La Sierra University this month for a…

A cosmetic face cream is mixed in a La Sierra University lab based on a recipe possibly used by inhabitants of ancient Jordan. (Photos: Natan Vigna)

La Sierra graduate to present ancient cosmetics research at annual conference

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Did the inhabitants of ancient Jordan use face cream, rouge and eyeliner like their neighbors, the Egyptians? Were stone palettes…

Time for worship and praise Pine Summit chapel with the Ignite praise band.

La Sierra University freshmen jump into college at Big Bear Lake

BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. -- La Sierra University freshmen arrived the third week of September ready to jump into college life. But before classes…